Thursday, 30 January 2020

The Eventide - Introduction and World View

Edit: Some of the info here is outdated, as I for instance evolved from Anarchism to ML Communism, but I'll keep it here as an archived post.

Hello friends! I want to use this text to give a preliminary introduction to who I am, how I see the world currently, and what I am / seek to do as a result of that. This is to compound why this blog exists now.

1.0 Who I Am

1.1 Short Bio

Hey again! I’m Khari Eventide, also called TheSnarkyLesbian on Twitch. I’m a Lesbian, Transgender and Anarchist blogger and my pronouns are she / hers. I also am studying sociology and am trying to both apply what I learn there to my process of analysing the world, as well as trying to teach some of it here and on my Twitch streams. I mention all these Attributes because they speak very intrinsically to who I am and what my perspective on the material and symbolic world are. So this is what this blog will be about. Sociology, politics, Queer and Trans topics, activism and my various philosophical views. Please Enjoy!

1.2 Long Bio