Wednesday 4 March 2020

Sex is Freedom - Degeneracy is Praxis!

Sex is Freedom
Degeneracy is Praxis

1.0 Introduction

So what I’ve heard constantly over years when it comes to my general behaviour, is that I am: “Thirsty” “constantly horny” “too lewd” etc., each of which coming from the perspective that me talking about sexual topics all day every day purely comes from a place of being aroused, and furthermore due to me being at home most of the time, that arousal having no way to vent out other than me being lewd all day. And in addition to that, that the nature of my often unfiltered and greatly detailed descriptions likely come down to me not having a habitus around other “normal people”, only living online, and therefore not being kept in check on how I behave myself. That is not what they are saying, but that is what they mean, and the most charitable interpretation of their claims.

But that isn’t so. In fact it is pretty much completely wrong.

Wrong Assumptions:

  • The assumption that I am aroused all the time. I am actually not. In fact I would go as far as to say that I am almost never aroused.
  • Whether or not I am aroused, that I would love to have sex all the time. I do not, in fact part of why I am home so much, is because I don’t share a lot of bodily intimacy with people, nor do I have an inherent desire to do so.
  • That I am talking this way because my brain is just filled with sex. There is an actual reason
  • That I am so extremely detailed, so blasé about personal sexual matters and often grossly open and unfiltered, because I have no one around me to put me in my place when I talk like that. I actually talk like that outside my home as well, even when very far away and when around strangers that do take some offence to it, and let me know.
  • This is all an excuse to hide the big truth – me being a giant creep. Actually that one might have some truth to it haha!

The actual answer is not that easy to explain though. In Short: I talk like that because I am ideologically inclined to, because I actively try to reproduce a habitus and opinion that I believe to be healthy for people in general, if not a boon to all of society.

But in long form? Well.. as is typical for me, we need to go a bit back here to explain this in detail:

2.0 European Imperialism ruined Sex for Everyone

2.1 Imperialism

So, to explain myself here, we first need to talk about the historical societal views on Sexuality as well as current contemporary views in the West.
Whereas we find historical evidence for non-binary identities and openly lived homosexuality in all kinds of ancient to more modern cultures, these days most of them follow a model similar to that of Medieval Europe. Medieval Europe (like Britain and Germany) was heavily affected by two things: Christianity and Monarchal Governmentality, each of which played into Imperialism.

Monarchal Governmentality on the other hand also played it’s role in shaping the hierarchy, but less so explicitly in paternal gender views, but more so in the general acceptance of having a hierarchy at all (providing a framework to live and think by), the idea of having a hierarchy of people in special castes, no social mobility and a set expectancy of submissiveness of lower castes towards higher level castes is created and reproduced, a system (roots of fascist ideologies) that is then filled with rules set by social orders like the own system and Religion.

Christianity informed it with it’s view of paternal hierarchies, the man as leading figure of the household family, reduction of sexuality to an act of only reproduction (both for recreation and for reproducing the hierarchy), puritan views of what sexuality should look like, and who takes the reigns. Additionally a binary view of gender was enforced, as only that way a gender hierarchy has any chance to work.

To put it more easily you could say:
Monarchy brandished on people (by creating and reproducing) the idea of a rigid hierarchy and castes (King → Royalty → Lord → Serfs → etc) that is then generally assumed to be “the order of things”, that framework is then applied to social matters, creating a social hierarchy that is informed by that same monarchy as well as Religion. The Christian Religion then deeming it as (Father → Oldest Son → Mother → Other Sons → Daughters) as a direct hierarchy. The more that is reproduced, the more it is then advanced and fleshed out further; where the man is expected to find a suitable woman, that woman he then conquers (because they love their imperalist mindset), has sex with her to procreate, and then stands in as the head of family, tasked with leading while the mother is tasked with teaching the sons to become conquerors themselves, and the girls to become women ripe for the conquering.

At that point Imperialism does the rest. The imperial army as the man at the top. Then it conquers these lands, becoming it’s leader, then forcing their own cultural values on everyone and finding suitable people to become their standin “Paternal Figure” to watch over the sanctity of these cultural values and make sure these can be reproduced while dissident thought is fought.

The entire world as one big paternal, disciplined household. Isn’t that great? No, it’s fascist and I thoroughly reject it. These hierarchical values to not exist because they make everyone happy, they exist because it makes the top of the household happy, and it ought to make everyone else happy too, and if it does not, “suck it, that is how the world works.”.

2.2 Women as Rewards

Now while one might argue that monarchal imperialism is dead (and I would disagree there), the sociocultural imperialism is still very much alive, in fact this is the very thing we call “The West” - Countries in western Europe and North America that share a similar religious background and sociocultural values. Every day these paternal values are reproduced in some way or another. Not just are women in general and feminity especially seen as lesser, weaker, worse in general, they are in fact our entire standin for every undesirable trait: “Don’t be a girl!”, “You throw / run like a girl.”, “Eww, that is gay.”, “You are whining like a bitch.” this is because paternalism did it’s best at making every trait desirable to a fascist hierarchy (like a monarchy) a feature intrinsic to being a man, while the opposite is intrinsic to “not being a man” (not even as womanly, just NOT MANLY), not just because these traits are idealized in general, but also because men are idealized, so if man = good, and positive traits = good, then man = these positive traits. In that idea, women do do not exist as individuals with desires and dreams, they exist as the reward, the goal that is to be attained.

How is the reward attained? Easy, just get as good as you can in the traits previously established as worth attaining, attaining these already entails having to fight challenging encounters and a broad sense of adversary to hone these skills. Then fight the big boss (often the woman’s father or big brother as the paternal leader of the household) and then claim your reward – the woman. Happy End.

If that sounds a lot like most Epics (as a genre of storytelling) and modern video games to you, then you are right. These “classical hero stories” are how society has always reproduced it’s values. I’m not saying here that you should stop playing all these video games emulating this model, all I’m saying is that you should be aware of this being the background. It’s society / the given status quo reproducing itself.

Now in modern times, now that – to the great sadness of paternal conservatives – men are often no longer the sole leaders of a given household, especially with those pesky laws allowing women to be autonomous people (yet it has to be remembered, that – as with racist laws in America – a class of people does not automatically switch out and away from the values that held them down before upon being released from their “chains” in the form of laws. What keeps them down is still in existence, it just is less visible now.) so the dragon that has to be defeated is often no longer the paternal leader of the house (although in many especially European and American movies, getting the “blessing” of the father is still a value) but often the woman herself. She is in these modern times forced to be both as unatainable as possible, and then once defeated, as submissive as possible. My new epic boots should not talk back, they should just work well as the reward they are.

Which is why we now have the Lauren Southerns of the world, that keep pushing back to traditionalist paternalism. Because if we cannot make men take back their power with violence to reproduce the monarchist (fascist) hierarchy, then we need to make women internalize it and get them to chain themselves back to the pole.

2.3 The Legacy of Sexual Fascism

All of these roots, this paternalism, the hierarchies, all of them can be found in the modern world, especially in gender and sexuality. Binary sex and gender identities, monogamy, heterosexuality, marriage. All of these elements do not exist to make humanity happy, they exist to reproduce hierarchies, paternal, monarchal, fascist hierarchies. Rigid and not allowing any mobility between them.

Fascist / Neoliberal Masterplan: Be a manly man man with all the traits we decided should be desired by the man. Go out and get degrees and open companies and attain wealth and whatever else we think makes you “successful” and “prestigious”. Then conquer one woman (fascism) or as many women as you can (more on the neoliberal side, as women are moreso extrapolated into a form of capital, will discuss this in more detail another time) and reproduce the system – aka procreate and make the men become your successors while the girls become the next Dragon / Reward. Again, to fascists this is a man’s world, a man’s adventure and in general a man’s story. Women are either actors, challenges or rewards in this system, but they are NEVER THE PROTAGONIST.

These elements and their legacy are also found in queer theory and queer culture. Where gay people migtht be accepted or are made more appealing to the ruling class by appeasers, by increasing their aesthetic value (Contrapoints) and how well they fit into these fascist hierarchies by making them as binary as possible, demonizing promiscuity, having them be quiet and politically docile, having them internalize openly admit their own inferiority to reproduce the idea of superiority in the paternal order (Milo Yiannopolous, Blair White, etc.). These are not attempts to bring queer people INTO the ideology of fascism, they are compromises. They are reactions to queer people being open and about, and not currently by law required to disappear. So a trans person might be tolerated, but only if she behaves how they want her to, lives how she is expected to, is openly binary and potentially straight, to not break with the fascist tradition too much. It’s a compromise - “You may exist, but ONLY if you help reproduce our fascist / paternal values.”

(Please note that I am not saying that very traditional trans people openly seek to reproduce these systems, it is instead usually done and internalized pragmatically due to the way they were socialised and as a survival instinct. Not all of them are like Contra, where they knowingly start to play into paternal tropes for some kind of aesthetic bs reason that will ultimately mean more status for them. For more info check “Trans and Class”)

2.4 Degeneracy

If there was one word shared by both the German Nazis, the old American Eugenics Movement and modern outspoken reactionary conservatives to describe everything they deem as the externality of everything dissident to their thought – it’s Degeneracy. A word that in it’s thorough meaning implies the applicant to be of lower essentialist value. To be inferior in the sense of genotypical evolution, of being less evolved, less intelligent, less inherently valuable. The great divider between the allmighty special of enlightenment and the bottom feeders. Everything they hate.

The non-straight, the non-binary (as in everyone defying the idea of a binary system, see “Trans and Class”), the non-monogamous, the non-paternal. It’s what they hate.

Which is generally why I like that word. I can accept someone disagreeing with me here in my attempt to reclaim this word, seeing as it’s direct meaning is so negatively connotated and how it stems directly from the rhetoric of fascism. And that is a fair position to have. Yet I like it, because this boundary, this idea of “Them vs Us” can work both ways. I do not personally believe in their paternal hierarchy, I wanna break it, I want a happiness for everyone on people’s individual terms, not on the terms of what is expected of them. I don’t, nor do I want to, claim to be the “masterrace”, to be the most evolved, to be the master in Hegel’s Master and Slave dichotomy. “Superiority” is not my language, not my framework. I’m an Anarchist, I reject the fascist framing, the Christian idea, for an open, non-hierarchical, Pagan, plurality of existence. Where bowing before a stranger is respected, because the gesture implies your openness to pulling your head below them and carrying them. Not as a gesture of submissiveness, but as a gesture of non-superiority. A gesture speaking to the idea of who I am, who we all are, the people who love humanity. Love human diversity in all of it’s colors, it’s flavours, as in every human exists a universe of infinite beauty, which when brought out fills the world with colors as they share their ideas, their wishes, their fantasies and their passions. Fascist paternalism makes humans retreat and repress, makes them fear and hide, create a cocoon about their “truth”, their “essence”, their beauty. Around this big ball of infinite beauty that has been nourished through a lifetime of experiences. This what I honor when I bow before someone, this prismatic essence within them, that if freed and openly expressed could change the entire world.

Fascism wants the people with their cocoons, and it hates those that live openly, that work to erode their cocoons, to attain freedom. It deems them as degenerates. So who are Degenerates? Degenerates are the people who work to free themselves of their cocoon, Degenerates are those looking to attain Freedom. Degeneracy, to me, is the fight for freedom.

3.0 What I Love About Sex

I have a problem when it comes to sexuality, there is my incredibly low sex drive that has only become worse since entering HRT and eventually my bottom surgery, and a low genital and overall physical sensitivity. I have a fairly numb body overall, and due to my Borderline Personality Disorder I tend to feel either everything or absolutely nothing. Attaining orgasms is not only very difficult for me, they also tend to be less than interesting. Yet what I do love about sex, is making other people feel good.

If you heard of a “Powerbottom” before, I am basically the opposite, a “serving Top” if you want. I am generally a dom, less so because I love to dom people, but because I enjoy being active in my role of making them feel good. Making someone wiggle in my grasp, emit the deepest moans and eventually have the strongest orgasms has two big advantages coming with it: a) There is the ego, of course I cannot deny that it makes me proud of myself and very happy when I make someone enjoy themselves and they whisper my name, but more importantly is b) it’s showing people a vision of freedom.

Look, we talked earlier about this cocoon that people create around this ball within themselves (figuratively speaking) that contains their wishes, their feelings, their desires and their passions. That cocoon being their repression, their wounds and scars, their fears and shames. But due to how sexual arousal works, the more of it that is felt throughout the body, the more this cocoon diminishes (even if only temporary). Once pushed far enough, it is forgotten almost entirely. The bills, the finances, paternal and societal expectations, how much you actually hate yourself, capitalism, your hatred – in these few temporary moments it’s all gone. In these few moments – they are free.

The more I roleplay with them, address their fears, make them feel comfortable, then bring them closer and closer to that one point (and people doing kink tend to already feel that freedom during kink stuff, whether or not they have sex), the closer they will feel themselves being to that freedom.
Keep in mind that entering this freedom makes one land in an extremely vulnerable position, which is why it is important to take good care of them, for there to be trust, and especially to do aftercare to ease them slowly back out of their vulnerable position.

This freedom is something I live for. And my low sex drive as well as my own issues (I too have that cocoon after all) keep me from exercising this passage of freedom more often. Nonetheless I wanna do what I can to write about it, speak about it, and in general keep the topic up whenever I can. Because sexuality is natural, it’s beautiful, it’s freedom eternal. And there is no reason not to take advantage of that. We only live once (I think), so let us try to attain this freedom where we can. This is why I love being people’s big sis after all, not to see myself as a the big sis because I am somehow superior, but because I gladly take on that role to protect, comfort and possibly be a role model for my little sister and femby siblings, to have them know that they are protected, and being looked after, protected and deeply, deeply loved. And because I’m a pervert of course. I am a pervert degenerate like all of us. Everyone has a fetish, and as soon as they live it out they tend to feel better.

We are Degenerates, not because we are inferior, but because we reject the concept of social superiority. We work towards freedom, while the fascists work towards enslavement. Degeneracy means treading the path to Freedom, Sex allows us a glimpse into Freedom.

Become an Anarchist, reject hierarchies, reject paternalism - embrace Freedom!

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