Wednesday, 6 April 2022

One Shot: Monsters


By Khari Eventide / Melody Evenstar

Tags: [Prison, Primal, Lesbian]

CW: Choking, Violence

Characters and Colours:

Melody Davis (Prisoner 13120)

Detective Moon


Melody allowed her thoughts to wander as she was pulled through the long grey hallway, its walls made of uneven naked concrete. Ugly. Cold. Not something one would expect to enrich their home or be an accurate reflection of the world as a whole. And yet here it was, representing a place she was forced to call home. No warm lights flickering, no wife waiting for her with a smile on her face, nothing but the bald cold face of eternal loneliness. A man-made purgatory, no light at the end of this tunnel. Her mind’s eye moved to her wrists that were clad in iron chains. The chains were cold, and heavy, and the fact that she was pulled along by them made them feel so much more oppressive. In her mind, always and at all times a thought ringing louder than all the rest of them, a call for freedom. Be it poor, be it downtrodden, everything was better than waking up to find an eternity out of her control. The longer she had to sit, the more she learned to live with these thoughts, but they’d never go away, they’d never subside, she’d just get better at tolerating their ringing in her ears.

Prisoner 13120, this shall be your reminder that you’ve been chosen by Detective Moon for discussions about your case….” A voice awoke her out of her thoughts. She didn’t even really hear most of it, it would just blur into the stone faced scenery. She was to behave and be a good citizen, yada yada.

She was led into a room that could not have been more different from the corridor she just passed through. If a mouse knew only holes and was to enter a hall, this was how she felt after living in a hole for years. The room was not just fairly large, it was covered in cupboards and bookshelves made from polished bright wood, her feet stepping on a wooden floor that seemed made of two entirely different types of wood that clashed with the remaining interior decoration in colour, but not the image that easily given off, one of luxury, indulgence, culture. Class even. A class that had no issue sitting wall on wall with stone faced depravity. 

It was only after she was pushed another forward another time that she recognized another person in the room. On top of a heavy table made of dark wood, sat a woman with long waving white-blond hair. It laid on top of beige suspenders that themselves grew out of black strapped pants. Her entire attire seemed oddly out of place. Some odd 1920s Dick for Hire suspenders with almost sexual bottoms. She rested her legs on a chair that was also covered in a brown jacket. Oddly enough her feet rested on the chair she’d be sitting on normally. 

Miss Davis! So nice to meet you!” the woman greeted her, the most delight in her voice. “But gentlemen! I don’t think these chains will be necessary!” she hopped off the table and walked towards her, with that came a faint smell of perfume into her nostrils. The woman argued with the two guards that had led her here. These guards, to her, were faceless. Their features had long since melted together for her. They were functions, nothing else. 

Apologies, Detective Moon. But I don’t think that would be a particularly good idea. Prisoner 13120 here is known for violent outbursts, she could break your neck like a twig if you just let her. So I’d say it’s prudent you…” The guard speaking was interrupted mid sentence. “Oh really? Ah hahahahaha now doesn’t that sound most delightful? No no no! I appreciate your concern Mis….mister. But I am convinced Miss Davis here will be on her best behaviour, now won’t she?

She looked up at her, merely shrugging, still unsure what to make of her fancy prattling voice. But the guards seemed swayed by it, as they pulled her around to open her shackles. And with a pointing gesture at her to behave in there, they left the room. 

As she turned around, the white-haired woman already sat on the table again. In her hand a large case file. “Melody Davis, 29, incarcerated for hm hm hm… numerous acts of violence…” she continued reading out of Melody’s case file, putting her at unease immediately. She’d have a story to tell about all of these events, yet to someone else they were merely points on a list, detached from context and circumstance. “...public indecency! Oh my Miss Davis, you are a naughty one aren’t you?” she giggled as she continued reading out of the file, while Melody was silent. “Oh! Says here you bit a guard in the throat, they needed 28 stitches to save him. Now THAT is exciting! Are you a biter? No wonder they call you ‘The Cat’, meoooow!” the woman mimicked a cat’s paw at her.

Detective Moon, right? Can you please tell me what this is about?” Melody answered in a calm voice. “Oh right, why don’t you take a seat Miss Davis?” she pushed out the chair towards her with her foot. Melody shrugged, then she sat down on the chair without pulling it in further, preferring a bit of distance towards the woman. The faint smell of her cheap perfume covering her nose. 

Miss Davis, I looked at your case, or the various cases, and I think I can help you get out of here.” Melody’s eyes widened upon hearing this. “And I mean, whether or not your case itself is workable, I do possess some connections to help you leave this place.” she smiled brightly as she presented this information to Melody. 

Melody’s body language changed completely, her stature, all of it, on full alert. “Are you sure? Can you get me out? But… but why me?” Her heart was racing at this discovery. “I can, I can. In fact it was a mutual friend of ours that recommended you to me. He said you’re a good one, a fine one even.” the detective kept explaining. Melody’s heart kept pounding, her head rising. She didn’t know what friend the lady was referring to, but by god she’d be taking it.

He also said I could get my payment from you.” Melody tilted her head at these words. “He said you’d show me a bit of your prowess for my help.” 

It took Melody a moment for the implications to click. But then she got it, she stared into the truth, and the truth starred right back at her. “You want to have sex with me? I…I’m sweaty and dirty but..but if this is your wish then…then I will do it yes, of course.” she stuttered out.

Not just that, Miss Davis. In fact I would like you to show me just how violent you can be. I want you to roar, to growl, to sweat and prowl. I want you to release your primal instincts and stalk me, hunt me down, chase me and then fall over me to your heart's desire.” The detective lady explained with hints of lust and grandeur in her voice. “So pop out of these garish orange trousers! Rip it all apart, feel the fury, be yourself ‘Miss Davis’.

Melody wasn’t sure how to take any of this. Her primal instincts? But she wanted to get out of this place, she’d do whatever this lady wanted to the best of her abilities if it meant an end to this hell. “Ye…yeah! ROAR!!” She tried to bellow into the room. “I shall then miss, I shall hunt you down!” she got up from her chair and spread her arms apart, letting out the deepest roar a human could muster when trying.

The detective however giggled. “Oh no! The monster is coming for me, I must run, run away in fear, tihihi.” she swiftly hopped off the table and stood with her back to a nearby bookshelf. Her odd giggling only serving to annoy Melody. So Melody got up from her chair, grabbed her undershirt with both hands, and with another furious ROAR she pulled her shirt apart, attempting to add further believability to her performance by further shredding and tearing the remaining fabric in her hands. She kicked the chair away and pounced after the detective, who would simply dodge her, resulting in Melody landing inside the bookshelf.

Melody expected the commotion to result in the guards coming in, but the door remained locked, nothing was happening, as if they were in a room that was cut off from the rest of the world. Melody whirled around, but found herself unable to spot the woman. The whole situation made her recall movies she had watched as a child, of Halloween murderers stalking their respective prey, and she attempted to call upon these memories to aid her performance. Her eyes moved across the room, no detective in sight. “Come out, come out wherever you are, Miss Moon.” She almost sang to the room. She made a stop toward a cupboard next to her, slowly pushing it aside. “Not here, are you? No, you wouldn’t hide this close, you’re a skeered little girl, counting your lifes. The doors are locked, aren’t they? Nowhere for you to go, little miss!” She continued to act. 

Turning around she spotted the heavy wooden table the lady sat on earlier. Its heavier exterior went all the way to the ground, so she was unable to look beneath it. Surely that was where she was hiding. She had to. Melody turned towards it. Then she got down, got on all fours like an animal, believing it would further sell her performance, then she slowly made herself over to the table. “Hmmm… are you here maybe?” She asked with a seductive voice. There was no reason to ask, Melody could smell the detective’s cheap perfume quite easily from this side of the table. “Sniff sniff… no need to hide miss, I can smell you. I could smell you anywhere in this room. Your…sweat. I can smell it. Your fear!” She tried to snarl, but noticed quickly that she was unable to do so. 

Ruuuuaaaargh!” she bellowed, walking around the table on all fours, almost slapping the ground on every step she took to mimic footsteps. “You are here, are you not?” Melody paused, placing her hands on the side of the table and beginning to pull on it. It took all of her strength to pull the table around even a few inches. Then Melody elected to move her head over the threshold of the table on the side. Her eyes slowly appeared from behind the table’s leg. A smirk on her face.

Inside the table sat the detective, her hands over her head in a motion of fear, but her face spelled something else. She was smiling, grinning even. As she spotted Melody she placed her hands over her eyes. “Hihihi. No! Please don’t eat me! Please, let me live!

The odd giggling was really getting to Melody, like it was demoralising her, yet simultaneously trying to provoke her. She was unsure what to make of this, it kind of broke with the whole prey narrative. “Fear not, little girl. I will make it quick… or will I? Hmmm… I can spot your white flesh from here, smell your fear. That sweat running down down your forehead, I can sense it. Why don’t you come here and let me have a taste?” 

As Melody moved in the woman jumped up out of her hiding place while screeching. She jumped on the table and proceeded to make her escape. But she didn’t get far, Melody reacted in time and grabbed her ankle, making her fall over. Melody leaped over the table in one single jump, where she moved in on the woman now laying on the floor, trying to crawl away slowly. Melody easily climbed on top of her and turned her around to face her. Again Melody ROARED, this time right on top of the woman. She placed her hand right on her chest and began massaging the woman’s breasts through the fabric, meanwhile her other hand wrapped itself around the woman’s throat, pushing her down. “I got you noooow.” Melody teased her.

Oh no! No miss Davis! No, don't do it!” Detective Moon pleaded unconvincingly. Melody slowly opened her mouth in front of the detective, letting out her tongue. Waiting long enough she was able to drop a few droplets of saliva on the woman’s face. With her tongue out she began licking the woman’s cheeks. “Hmmm… your white flesh tastes so sweet. I wonder if your lips taste like strawberries, because that is how they look.” With these words she lowered herself on the woman’s lips, kissing her intently. “Not quite strawberries, yet sweet they are!” She added.

The lady made a half hearted attempt to escape, wiggling unconvincingly below Melody. Moving her legs around. Melody stopped her by placing her right hand between the woman’s legs on top of her crotch, while the hand around her throat gained in tension. “Don’t move, there is no escape for you!” Melody bellowed. “There is no escape, for you are mine now. Mine to play with!” adding levity to her words the hand on the detective’s crotch pulled in, effectively grabbing her entire crotch through the fabric, applying pressure. 

Melody continued licking the woman’s face and kissing her whenever she felt like it, making sure to choke her whenever she did. “Yes, let it all out Miss Davis! Ravage me!!!” The woman continued taunting her, making Melody tighten the grip on her throat to keep her from talking. 

Said tension had quieted her down immediately, yet releasing this tension to further explore the woman’s body would cause her to wind up again, so Melody tried to ignore the woman’s babbling where she could. She managed to slowly finagle open the woman’s strapped pants and gain some ground on her, but the woman’s teasing was hard to ignore. “Yes!! Yes!! Ravage me! Bite me! Break me! Treat me like one of your victims! Let out your primal anger as you brutalise me!...” the woman taunted her. ‘Like one of her victims’. This sentence stuck with her. Like she was nothing but a violent beast. Not a victim of circumstance, of the moment. Not a child of her environment. Only a wild beast putting on the facade of a calm member of society. No person with dreams, wishes, desires. No plead for salvation, for peace, for freedom. Just a creature of banal fury. 

Break my bones! Grind me to dust! Scream and roar, show me the monster you are. Look at me like that guard you bit, make me feel your fury!” The woman kept going.

It didn’t ignite anything in her. It did make her angry, yes, but there was no fury there. Only cold rage. Where the woman expected burning blood, was nothing but impotence. An understanding grew within Melody about the futility of her situation.

Don’t stop, or are you not feeling it yet? Maybe when I return! I can be back and then you show me that fire in full force! Should I dress up a bit for you? Look more like your preferred prey? What makes the monster awaken in you? 28 Stitches miss! BITE ME!” The woman pleaded while giggling.

Melody stopped her, moving her hand from her throat to instead force half of her hand down the woman’s throat to keep her from yapping. “You’ll be back, won’t you? You will be back and I will never leave this place. I will fall to my knees, roar like a beast but it won’t ever be enough, will it? You will never let me out of here, right? You need this…you need this power over me.” She pulled the hand out of her mouth and got off of her. 

Haa haha!” The woman laughed, crawling away from her. “What are you saying? Of course I will. If you do a good job. If you release the monster inside of you!” The woman said, adding another giggle. “Or maybe you’d like the tables turned? Have me hunt you do…” “SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Melody interrupted her. 

Melody made a step towards her, pushing her backwards with both hands and causing her to fall over. “How dare you call me a monster? What audacity allows you to claim such a word for me? You come here, rattling my cage. Open it up with a key you possess and make me smell your wounds. You release me into an environment you chose, invite me to hunt you down and stalk you, while you’re the one controlling the hunter with his rifle.” Melody pulled the woman up with one hand, feeling the anger surge through her arms. This person, the detective, wasn't a trip to freedom, she was nothing but another cog in the system keeping her captive. She threw her backwards, making her stumble over the chair and fall in on herself. 

Melody followed her, picking up the chair with one hand, swinging it across the room and throwing it into a bookcase. “You don’t want to release me, you want to own me! I’m your safari animal. You want me to look at you like the guard I hurt? Fine for me, you are perfectly playing the part already!” Melody actually let out a roar, an expression of anger. Looking right in the face of her futile situation. She looked at the truth, and the truth stared back at her. And no matter how much she’d punch that face, it wouldn’t change in the slightest.

Be it actual genuine fear or merely the human body’s survival instinct, but the detective actually crawled away. Hiding behind a cupboard, but Melody was quickly following it, and with a kick of hers said cupboard was tossed away. The woman had gotten on her feet, running away. Running towards the door, but Melody, again, stopped her by grabbing her ankle. 

Where are you going? You wanted this! You wanted your neat little tourism version of primal anger. Here it is. Don’t run, I’m not done grinding your bones yet!” The detective grabbed the cupboard that was now laying over the floor in front of her, but Melody quickly stepped on her hand. She knelt on top of her to keep her from moving. “Hihi, see? This is… this is the anger I was speaking of. Will you kill me now? Break me? Fuck me? You’re gonna fuck me now, aren’t you?” The woman asked, her hungry desires disturbing Melody. 

Melody grabbed the woman’s shirt at the collar, and with a quick pull she managed to rip it right off the woman’s chest. She could feel it all now, her blood pumping, her heart racing, this pressure in her head. This was futile. She would never leave this place, it would just continue to have its way with her. But she wouldn’t take it, she wouldn’t let it control her. If she had to stay here forever, she’d not let it destroy her soul. 

She took the woman’s shirt and ripped it apart even further. A part of it she then pressed into a ball and proceeded to stuff down the woman’s throat to ensure she was not talking any more. She then dug her hands into the woman’s breasts. She did not possess any claws, but she made sure the woman would feel her nails on her skin anyway. Digging it in all the way before clawing inwards to grab the woman’s breast like an object. “You wanted to be hunted, to be consumed and destroyed, so here it is. Here is the salvation you seek, while mine is forsaken!” 

The woman was mostly quiet other than gagging noises, her eyes rolled backwards and it was as if she was moaning, further disturbing Melody. The latter let go of the woman’s breast and instead made her way to her pants. Cutting these silly straps, pulling them off, throwing them in the corner. The woman wasn’t even wearing underwear, and why would she, after all she had only come to subjugated Melody, and nothing else. 

Melody again grabbed her crotch with her hand, then quickly pulled it away. A line of thin liquid was glued to her hand. The woman was wet, wetter than Melody expected despite knowing she was likely into this. Melody swallowed her pride and disgust and returned her hand. There was no time for pleasantries, for foreplay, for a good time. She immediately stuck a finger down the woman’s wet hole. Only to find it stretch around her finger quite easily. She added a second finger but the result was the same. A third finger did the trick in making Melody feel like she really forced herself into something, the lady was no stranger to forceful encounters like that. The entire thing left Melody with a further sense of impotence, so she pulled back her fingers. Further aided by the woman moaning and growling herself, likely enjoying the process further. 

Melody grabbed the woman’s sides and flipped her around and onto her knees. This caused the ball of fabric in the woman’s mouth to fall back, who continued giggling and moaning in response. Melody however clawed her hands into the woman’s buttcheeks and pulled, almost pried them apart. Immediately plunging her thumbs into the woman’s butthole. There was a much stronger resistance there so Melody went with that. Pushing them in all the way and then pulling her hole apart. Stretching it violently. This caused the woman to whine out, yet she was still moaning. 

The woman was holding herself up on all fours, so Melody pushed her off of her knees, making her plunge to the ground. Now it was Melody that knelt on top of her, pushing her down as Melody continued to stretch her butthole. Then she shoved in a couple of fingers and began fucking her. Pushing her fingers in and out. Two or Three, it was different on each thrust. Meanwhile she began licking the woman’s buttcheeks, while making horny noises. 

She pulled out her fingers then she slapped and clawed into the woman’s behind. She forced all of her fingers into the woman’s butthole. Pushed them together and tried to get them in as deep as possible despite them obviously not fitting. To add to it she took a bite of the woman’s fat cheek. Bit all the way into her and apply pressure.

To her surprise, the woman wasn’t quivering in real fear. Instead she was moaning, gurgling. Snarling herself almost. Through Melody’s attempts to fuck and really hurt her, she began cumming. Her entire body began to shake and wave. Melody could feel it, the muscle around her finger pulling her in and pressing on her. The woman’s wetness further running out of her, if not even spurting out. And as her body relaxed, so did her muscles. Melody pulled out of her and let her body go as it broke down in a puddle of her own making.

Whether or not the woman would be back, Melody knew this wasn’t the end. They would never let her leave. This was hell on earth, an eternal purgatory. The guards, this woman, they were all demons. Demons with the audacity to call her a monster. But when would it end? When her spirit was finally broken? 

Melody walked over to the heavy iron door of the room. Banging against it. “Guards, we are done in here. Prisoner 13120 is ready to be taken back to her cell.” With these words, Melody returned to the middle of the room, a last look at the chaos the room had turned into. A last glance at the woman laying unconsciously on the floor. Whether this was helping or harming her, it wouldn’t matter. It was all just a part of her torment. 

Melody knelt down on the floor and placed her arms behind her back, ready for the shackles to return to her wrists, waiting for the guards to enter. For the puppeteers to return and take her back to her cell. Back into the cold darkness.

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