Friday 3 September 2021

Melody Evenstar: Visiting the Violet's Blossom

 Melody Evenstar

Visiting The Violet's Blossom


by Khari Eventide

Character Info: Melody Evenstar

Tags: FFXIV, Prostitution, Miqo’te, Lesbian


This short story resulted out of a sexual fantasy I had and wanted to share, thus the chosen main character for this story is literally my FFXIV player character. She is, however, not literally the Warrior of Light as she would be in the game (as is every player character) as that is boring. Yet she still is a fairly high ranking soldier within the ranks of a grand company and / or the alliance's forces. This is mostly to apply an esteemed soldier’s background without harming the secondary layers of suspension of disbelief.

Furthermore, as this fantasy was oriented along the lines of how my character is presented by the game itself, it will be more quiet and wordless in sexual scenes than it would be in my other stories. The player character being unvoiced in cutscenes really opens the gate to adapt a roleplay setting that more prominently features facial expressions and detailed descriptions of motives, feelings and impressions. It does however require some written speech to get the setup and seduction phases established.


“What a beautiful location, this place is a paradise” Melody thought to herself, as she sat on her company issued Chocobo, slowly trotting through the streets of the Lavender Beds. A comrade in arms had recommended to her a fine establishment situated at the Lavender Beds in the shadow of a large hill, there she would find a small quiet river flowing along a path, leading her on her way. She wondered why the establishment didn’t just use an aetheryte, while it was easy to follow the river’s way, the trip wasn’t exactly short. She was told this place wasn’t comparable in the slightest to the trashy pirate’s holes and red light establishments at the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa, yet the idea of reaching this place without a mount unit was puzzling to her, additionally she did not see any Chocobo services open to traveling this line. As she considered the supposed establishment’s elusiveness the road before her turned away from the river and past an incline, through a passage surrounded by colorful trees behind which she found a beautiful grove lit up by starlight, and on it a huge manor.

Reaching the wide front porch she directed her Chocobo to halt, no one was outside the manor. Yet as she climbed off the mount she heard the doors open behind her. She turned around to spot two lavishly dressed men walking towards her, a Lalafell and an Elezen.

“We shall take her from here.” the Lalafell said.

“The stables are at the back of the house. Should you request to leave, please speak with the porter inside the Lobby.” the Elezen added.

As Melody’s Chocobo started frantically pulling away from the men Melody turned back to it.

“Calm calm Bella, these men are friends.” she said, managing to calm the Chocobo down.

Halfway down the grove the Elezen servant turned around, he bowed down gracefully and pointed towards the open door. Then he turned around and proceeded to bring Bellathorns to the stables.

Melody elected to stay outside and look after them, until they disappeared behind the manor. Melody suddenly felt terribly lonely in the absence of her trusty Chocobo. She sighed and swallowed audibly, then, taking a deep breath, she went on to step through the open doors of the manor as if entering a leviathan of a beast.

Melody’s eyes widened. It wasn’t at all what she had expected. She had seen dingy taverns before, precarious brothels with ladies laying outside like fish stranded on the beach. She knew this establishment was different, but she couldn’t have expected this. The place was huge, and yet she only saw the lobby. Light Brown walls seemingly made from singular wooden stems bound together in the thousands, the floor equally light, made up of polished wood. The entire place was covered in vibrantly covered cloth strung along the walls and windows, next to many plants along the corners of the room. Multiple light units were placed at the roof to – in combination with the light wooden interior – make the room look bright and inviting. Additionally, closing her eyes are listening closely, all she could hear was the sound of water, like a river flowing nearby. But how could a river flow inside of a building?

“Good evening Ma’am. I bid you welcome to The Violet's Blossom!” an unknown voice said.

Melody threw open her eyes, in front of her was a large wooden table behind which stood a humbly clothed Roegadyn woman. She hadn’t seen her entering the manor’s lobby, despite being a perceptive person in her function as a warrior. It just spoke to how stunning the place was. She casted her gaze towards the woman at the counter who was otherwise wordlessly smiling at her.

“My apologies miss!” Melody answered in a stern tone, “My name is Melody Evenstar, Second Flame Lieutenant of the Immortal Flames, Grand Company of Ul’dah.” she performed the salute used by the Immortal Flame soldiers, her gate fixed at the woman behind the counter.

The woman behind the counter froze up, then quickly her motioned into that of a salute as well, standing at attention. Though she then quickly unfroze again, her face forming a large smile. The tall woman started laughing wholeheartedly.

“No need to be so stern Miss, in this fine establishment we are all friends. Now be at ease, soldier, this establishment is for relaxation after all!” she added in an authoritative voice, still smiling brightly.

Melody lowered her head, looking down to the ground and blushing slightly.

The Roegadyn woman stopped laughing, instead she walked around the counter towards the Miqo’te soldier. Without the counter covering part of her, it really became apparent how tall the woman was. She placed her hand on Melody’s hand while forming a warm smile.

“Worry not young Miss, we’ve all been new to this. No need to be so tense, we will take good care of you here!” she warmly exclaimed.

Melody didn’t know how to feel. While many of her comrades were quite particular about receiving pats on the head, be it desire for them or, as was the more frequent disposition, detest them, she herself was quite ambivalent about them, never thinking much of them. Yet she could not avoid feeling a strong sense of comfort from the lady’s touch. Her leg joints eased up, her posture softened, she felt herself relax as if her muscles themselves were enchanted by the lady’s touch. She turned her head towards the woman who, in contrast to the lavish cloth around the walls, was quite humbly dressed in dark purple gowns. Looking up to her smiling expression she could not but smile herself, she was positively beaming in fact, as if her facial muscles moved by themselves.

“See? Much better, is it not? Madam Merywlyhs (pronounced Merry-live-ths) will always find time for her patrons. Now how about we see what we can do for you?” she warmly added.

The Madam slowly pulled her hand off Melody’s head, and despite her doing so carefully, Melody felt as if a deep-seated connection just left, as if a part of her got dismembered, leaving her more hollow than she was before. She blushed slightly as the Roegadyn woman returned to her previous spot behind the counter.

“Now allow me to explain the process here at The Violet's Blossom to you...” the Madam explained “As you might have spotted from the outside, we are quite large as establishments go, we’re gonna make sure we will have exactly what you need and desire, whether or not you already know what it is you desire. I think I have a pretty good idea of what you’d like, yet you shall also have the right to voice your wishes and desires on this card...” she placed a white blank card on the counter in front of her, “...once you’ve written down your wishes, please place this card in a letter over here and hand it back to me, we take discretion very serious here. Then, please enter the door behind me on the side, right here.” she pointed at a wooden door behind herself. “Behind this door you will find a changing room where you can safely store your current garments, once that is done, please change into...” she considered for a moment, then she pulled something up from under the table “these. Then leave through the door on the opposite side you entered from. There you will have some privacy. I will make sure to make the necessary arrangements for when you are down.'' She placed a neatly folded lavender colored robe on the table.

Melody looked down on herself and the set of armour made of cloth and chain she was wearing, especially the Immortal Flame tabard she was wearing on top of it all. She glanced at the Madam and nodded. She stepped closer to the counter and picked up the white sheet next to which laid a quill.

Melody quickly noted one or two things, before she added a third she tensed up. She looked to her right, then to her left, the Madam was seemingly not looking at her. She turned around but no one was behind her either, it was just the two of them. So she quickly added the third term on the sheet. She was about ready to put the sheet into the letter, but before she could do so she tensed up, her muscles contracting, her posture cramped up as if someone pulled her strings. She blushed to the point where her entire face lit up. She quickly grabbed the quill and aggressively scribbled through the term she had noted last, making sure it was unreadable. Then she placed the sheet in the letter and placed it back on the table. She grabbed the lavender colored robe and quickly disappeared into the changing room that was pointed out earlier.


As she exited the changing room a lot of tense feelings she felt earlier returned. She was really doing this, there was no stepping back now. She had bested Dravians, sharing the battlefield with her comrades, yet somehow standing in a particular establishment, only dressed in a lavender-colored silken robe she felt the hard to ignore desire to just run away. The robe she was wearing didn’t even cover that much of her body. It was comfortable, yes, made of fine silk, yet it only consisted of a single sheet covering her torso, with a single silken strap over her right shoulder to keep it in place.

Yet her heart sank even deeper as she scanned the room she was now in. It consisted of the Roegadyn Madam standing closest to her, yet there were more.

Closest to the Madam stood a wooden table, upon which sat another Miqo’te, a young man with dark brown hair and amber-colored eyes, his legs wrapped over one another as he grinned widely at Melody.

To his right, leaning against a pillar was an Au Ra woman richly covered in bright white scales that grew from her face down her throat and disappeared somewhere below the purple tunic she was wearing. Her expression more neutral than that of the man.

On the left side of the room stood, with a bratty expression, two similar looking Lalafell Melody assumed to be a man and a woman. One of them extended a hand to wave at her, inviting her over.

“Don’t look so dower, lady! This is fun time after all, fun and relaxation!” the female Lalafell exclaimed in an exciting tone of voice. “Come lady, we don’t bite, unless you want us to, hahaha!” the male Lalafell exclaimed, his voice was a good deal higher and more playful than Melody had expected. She stepped closer to the pair, trying to hide her embarrassment, yet she was still as tense as rock.

“No need to feel ashamed lady, this is a no-shame-area. Feeling ashamed is strictly prohibited in these quarters!” the female Lalafell explained in an almost childish tone.

“We mean no disrespect, lady.” the male Lalafell added, with an inflection on his voice much more mature than he sounded earlier, Melody got the sense that the man was probing her to see what kind of general demeanor she would enjoy from him.

“Your desires have been cast...” the female Lalafell started.

“...and we shall answer them.” the male Lalafell continued.

“You asked for us, did you not?” the male Lalafell added.

Melody furiously shook her head while red as a Valfruit. Kneeling next to the two.

“This is a no shame zone lady! Being ashamed of one’s desires is strictly prohibited!” the female Lalafell repeated.

“And yet she falters.” a deep and seductive feminine voice exclaimed behind Melody. “Heart and mind aren’t always aligned. Sometimes we cannot have what we desire, sometimes we cannot allow ourselves to desire what we can have. It is not our place to question these matters, and yet we do.” the unknown person behind Melody, with the enchantingly seductive voice tenderly ran her hand along Melody’s neck, sending shivers down her bones. “Sometimes one doesn’t know what they want, then they come to us, for we shall provide them with the answers they seek. Sometimes what they need is not what they expected.” the seductive voice continued.

Melody turned her head to find out who this enchanting voice belonged to.

Behind her stood a tall Miqo’te woman, with a light brownish skin color eluding to the eternal dunes of Thanalan, dark brown hair that would playfully fall down her shoulders on one side, and be nicely played behind her ear on the other. Below her subtle bangs, a pair of aetheryte blue eyes stared at her. Like an oasis within Sagolii Desert, this woman too, felt like a mirage of comfort, like home. She could not but subconsciously form a hopeful smile at the sight of the woman.

“Ay ay aay! Saska has got you in her sight!” the female Lalafell exclaimed in a tone that was deeper than the voice she has used previously and yet still as playful.

The Lalafell took a step back, as if to suggest that the choice of person had already been made. And she wasn’t wrong, Melody felt herself drawn to the blue eyed woman behind her, the longer she looked into the woman’s eyes, the more she felt like she was listening to a bard’s ever enchanting song, a drive as compulsive as it was calm. To relax, to let it all go.

“I think we’ll be more than fine together.” the woman announced with a cheeky tone of voice. She quickly bowed to the other people in the room, then she grabbed Melody’s hand, quickly glancing at her she winked, suggesting for Melody to come with her.

Allowing the other Miqo’te woman to drag her through the manor, the two of them eventually reached a room with a thin sliding door, similar to the “Shoji” she heard comrades discuss, but still consisting of wooden stems heavily bound together. The other woman bade her in.

“Apologies hun, I’ll be with you shortly, I’ll just have to fetch us a couple drinks!” she said as she pushed Melody into the room, her casual demeanor just deepened the feelings Melody had already, it was as if she was talking to a childhood friend.

Melody entered the room that was equally bright and lit as the remainder of the manor, but it was even more comfortable. Comfortable? No, it was more than that. It was downright homely. To her left sat a smaller table on top of a bright yellow carpet, the table was surrounded by the most fluffy looking pillows.

She hadn’t fully started scanning the room when her ears started twitching. It was a sound that made them so, a familiar sound, one that filled her with not just the feeling of comfort, but also one that made her feel safe, as if she had returned from from the battlefield, to reach her home in Eastern Thanalan, a small village by a river that would lead all the way through the area until reaching a little sea. When she was a child she would go there, take off her shoes, and just sit at the beach with her feet in the water. The feeling of hope, that was what she was feeling. She spotted what her ears had picked up upon, a tiny little canal of water moving through the middle of the room. Neither the source nor the end of the river were within the room and would seem to start and end outside the manor, but nonetheless the water within the canal was flowing at a fine pace, allowing for the sound of tiny waves to reach her ears. How could something like this exist in a place such as this manor? A manor situated in the shadow of a hill at the Lavender Beds. Melody had to fight the desire to take off her sandals (that were among the Robes given to her) and stick them into the canal, yet she continued to scan the room. Along the tiny canal were lots of potted plants enriching the room’s atmosphere. In the back of the room stood a large room divider covered in vines, she assumed that area to contain more private facilities.

“Beautiful, is it not?” the seductive voice exclaimed from behind her. “This entire section of the establishment looks like this, it was supposed to give our guests from Thanalan a more familiar feeling, in fact I worked on the décor of a few of these rooms. I think I got it down fairly well.”

“It’s unbelievable! This place is like home!” Melody cried out in glee, her ears and tail rushing upwards. “Well, like a miniature version of home. But I love it!” she whirled around to the Miqo’te woman, who now wore a robe similar to that of Melody, but in a very light sand color, in her hand she had a plate with two crystal clear glasses, and two dark bottles Melody assumed to hold some type of alcoholic beverage.

“Indeed.” the woman giggled. She walked deeper into the room and put the plate down on the low table. Then she returned to the door and closed it behind them. She suggested to Melody to sit down, and as if she knew what seat Melody was likely to pick, she sat down on one of the pillows that would be the perfect distance for a warm conversation, if Melody were to elect sitting down on the spot next to the small canal.

That little spot between the low table and the canal is where Melody then ended up sitting down at, directed next to the wall too, so she could lean against it. The enchantingly beautiful Miqo’te woman filled up the two crystal glasses to about half with a light colored liquid.

“Fear not, it’s fairly weak, but it will help you relax your muscles and be more at ease.” she explained in a serious tone. “Please feel right at home.”


The women were conversing for a while, the two of them spent at least an hour discussing their home villages in Thanalan, and how much had changed in the years to come. Melody also could not help but tell the tales of her various adventures across the many realms of Eorzea. She definitely felt more at ease, more relaxed, less afraid. Whether it was the room, the alcoholic beverage she was consuming, the grueling battles that were behind her, or the beautiful enchantress in front of her, she had not felt so relaxed in a long time. If one were to tell her that she wasn’t actually where she thought she was, but were instead laying at the eastern coast of La Noscea, stunned and enchanted by some horrific siren, she would not care. She was feeling incredibly comfortable, both with herself and with the world at large, if this was to be her final resting place, then so be it.

“You know we are sharing so many missions with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, we are being sent all over Eorzea, we even share joint-exercises with the Order of the Twin Adder. I’m beginning to forget that we’re split nations. Like Master Alphinaud has been prophesying, it’s as if we’re all growing together.” Melody explained. She was letting go of all of it, all of her thoughts, her wishes, her fears, her desires. She felt like she could tell that woman everything.

“One of our missions had us renew Gridania’s peaceful relationship with a local beast tribe, the so-called Sylph. Tiny fairy-like creatures seemingly made up of plants as much as actual flesh. And they talk about themselves in third person.” Melody excitedly told the other Miqo’te woman.

“In the third person? Like ‘Saska continues to fill up your glass?’” the woman proceeded to fill up Melody’s glass.

“Yes! But they describe themselves with their attributes. So like ‘The Flying One’, or “The Woken Ones’. They call us ‘The Walking Ones’” Melody answered. “And to greet each other, they don’t shake hands or hug. No, they dance! I had to dance for half the camp before they allowed me to carry in provisions!”

“Haha, will you dance for me too?” Saska giggled.

“Oh no! Please don’t make me, in my line of duty I had to dance so much for so many odd reasons, that now it feels like work whenever I do.” Melody replied.

“Aww that’s a bummer. The Frowning One displays disappointment upon hearing that.” Saska giggled.

“Oh no no no! You wouldn’t be The Frowning One. You would be… hmmm” Melody put down her glass to consider carefully. “You would be The Pretty One, or The Enchanting One.”

The both of them laughed out loud. Then Saska stopped laughing. “You think I’m enchanting, do you?” she inquired.

Melody could not but nod, smiling at the other woman. Her aetheryte blue eyes staring at Melody. The other woman also put down her glass.

“The Enchanting One is now going to kiss The Shy One.”

Saska shifted her weight forward to move towards Melody, who was too slow to react to her advances. Saska planted her mouth on Melody’s and the two shared a long kiss.

Melody looked up at her, smiling lovingly. An expression resulting in Saska kissing her again. And again. They spent a good 10 minutes just kissing, pausing to look and smile and each other, and then kissing some more. In the end it took nothing but a quiet happy moan from Melody to make Saska continue, now kissing the shy girl’s cheek, then down her throat, a soft kiss on her collarbone and back up the other side. A swift kiss on her mouth to finish the trip. Saska placed her dune colored hand on Melody’s head, ruffling through her hair before forming a claw-grip with which to slowly and carefully massage Melody’s head. Only pausing to share another intimate kiss.

Melody started quietly moaning, less in a horny way, and more one of eternal comfort, like cracking one’s muscles after a long day of work. Additionally her breathing slowed down slightly and evened out, filling her body with a deep sense of comfort. A sense that pitched up slightly she felt the other Miqo’te’s hand slide over to her ears and begin slowly caressing them, slowly touching them from the outside, then using the tip of her index finger to slowly move along the inner lines of her ear, making Melody bite her lip while smiling.

As if the woman had known, the moment Melody was getting used to the feeling she moved back down, planted another kiss on the girl’s lips and then moved back down, this time moving the robe’s strap from Melody’s shoulder and pushing down the robe to reveal the girl’s chest. But she wasn’t touching her immediately, instead she lingered, even stepped back a bit to wait in silence, just gazing at the shy Miqo’te in front of her, who looked at her with a mixture of shy embarrassment and shame. Being exposed like that reminded her of times in the past, when people laughed at her for being so flat chested and androgynous. She even recalled a Lalafell soldier from Maelstrom calling her a boy, with his stupid deep voice and smug smile still ringing in her head. But the woman staring at her did not seem disappointed, or belligerent. Instead there was a sense of satisfaction in her expression, no, more than that. There was desire, and lust.

Being looked at like that by such an enchanting figure, Melody could not but become more and more turned on. Why was she waiting? Why was she staring at her like that? Yes, she was pretty flat, but so what? Was that a problem? It wasn’t a problem, was it? It was the opposite. Directed by lust, unguarded by pride, Melody pulled her robe down further, exposing her breast quite openly, and part of her belly as well.

The dark haired Miqo’te woman moved back in, kneeling over Melody’s lap, pushing in and kissing her, one of her hands slid down to massage Melody’s breasts, resulting in her moaning quite loudly, louder than she would have liked. From here everything just seemed to escalate. Hearing Melody moan, the other woman dug in deeper, kissing Melody quite strongly while moving one hand through her hair and across her ears, while the other one would continue to massage her breasts. Melody got turned on more and more, her breathing becoming quicker she tried to move into the kissing as well. And it was as such, her, who then escalated to the next step of pushing her tongue forward into the other girl’s mouth, who then quickly answered with her own.

As the two of them continued to tongue-kiss each other while Melody got her head ruffled and her chest squeezed, eventually Saska would stop, slide off Melody's lap and get back on her feet.

“Yep, you’re ready alright!” she reached out her hand, helping Melody up from the floor. Not letting go she led her to the area in the back of the room, behind the vine covered room divider stood a large bed with lavish pillows and blankets colored in different shades of orange, yellow and beige. Saska allowed herself to fall onto the bed, pulling Melody after her.


With the both of them in bed, they quickly scuffled under the blanket and got comfortable, immediately, and this time initiated by Melody, resuming the kissing. It had to be Saska this time to free herself from the woman’s grip. But not to pull back. Instead she sat up to kneel over Melody’s crotch area, allowing the latter to look at her, as if she was towering over her. She smiled at the shy girl below her, who now expressed a lot less embarrassment overall, instead she looked hungry, excited, desiring more. And more she shall have.

Saska smiled at the girl. “You want me, don’t you?” Melody didn’t answer, she just nodded happily. “Who knows...” the woman added, choosing her words carefully, “...maybe I am really The Seducing One.'' She spoke these last few words slowly, elongated, as if enjoying them to their fullest. And with those words she dropped her robes down to her crotch, allowing Melody a full frontal view of her breasts and part of her navel, her chest wasn’t huge, but surely a good deal big than Melody’s. Yet she didn’t feel embarrassment, or jealousy, but pure unpressured lust.

Melody placed her hands on the girl’s waist, growing up from there before tilting the two of them to the side, allowing the two of them to resume kissing and petting each other. The former would make a bit of a dash towards the latter’s breasts, giving back all the squeezing she has received by a bit of grabbing, groping and cupping of her own, even a tiny bit of squeezing. The darker skinned woman wasn’t as muscular as Melody had become through countless training exercises and battles, yet she was still unbelievably slender, having Melody kissing her from her navel up her stomach, past her chest, up and back to her mouth. The woman was a beautiful dream, and Melody desired all of her.

As they cuddled, kissed and caressed each other under the blanket, Saska placed her hands on the woman’s waist, holding it tightly as if she was waiting, then released herself from Melody's mouth and just proceeded to look at her. No word was uttered. They didn’t have to speak. It was as if they could read each other’s thoughts. It was as such that Melody understood what the enchantress was waiting for, what choice she gave her. A question was asked between the two of them, through looks alone, and Melody would indulge in it.

Beaming at the woman laying next to her, Melody opened her legs, placing one of them on top of Saska’s own leg. And she understood the message, taking the action as consenting with her quiet request, she pulled her left hand off the girl’s waist, electing to instead place it between her legs. Mere moment later Melody started moaning loudly, not yet ready for the feeling she started to experience, but soon wrapped herself around the other woman, wanting to be closer to her, allow her full access. And Saska took it, using two fingers to feel up the quivering Miqo’te in her arms.

“It’s all good Kitty, all is good, I got you.” she calmly stated.

Now normally, many Miqo’te hate being called Kitty. It was one of those things every race of Eorzea has, one of these things that would make them different yet exciting and interesting to each other. But also often fetishized for their differences. Lalafell would often hate being treated like children or patted on the head, Elezen could be quite self-conscious about their ears, Melody learned to not talk about an Au Ra’s scales when not flirting with them, and especially not reference the amount. And Miqo’te? Miqo’te, or at least Melody didn’t much enjoy being called “Kitty” by strangers. But in this very moment, within the grasp of this beautiful woman, this enchantress placing a spell on her, in this beautiful room, her still hearing the soft sound of waves from the small canal in the room – in all that, she suddenly enjoyed nothing more than being called Kitty. She wanted nothing more than to be this woman’s little kitty.

If she wasn’t extremely wet already, she was now. The woman must have noticed somehow, as she repeated this nickname.

“Hmm….” she almost sang, with some swing to her inflection “ my little Kitty enjoying herself?” Her little Kitty was most definitely enjoying herself. The words made her positively tremble. “Aww, does my sweetie kitten want more?”

Melody was shaking slightly, pushing herself against the woman, her embrace, her warmth and her fingers, and the latter gladly obliged by sliding her fingers inside of her, making Melody express all kinds of sounds, some like moans, some just like happy little quips. Once the sounds would become quieter, Saska would pull out her fingers, play around with the surrounding area, and then, as if to surprise her, slide them back in. She would do so multiple times until she noticed Melody grabbing her hand before being able the slide them back in.

“Oh? Does my little Kitty honey want something else?” she asked with some sass.

“M-more, miss. Please more.” Melody quietly answered.

She wanted more, yet she had interrupted Saska’s hand.

“Oh, does my little Kitten princess want something else?” she teased. She quickly hopped off the bed, and grabbed a little box from the side. Allowing Melody a moment’s respite. She then climbed back onto the back and back onto Melody with the box’s contents. Melody, calming down a bit, opened her eyes, her turquoise eyes caught an object seemingly made out of leather. “This was specifically made for girl’s like us, it’s made of polished leather, making it slide in more than fine, and there is no issue with burning!”

Melody had never seen an object such as that one, despite understanding what it was. She had seen objects similar to this one before, but not directly, and with a strap attached to it. She watched the aetheryte-blue eyed woman put it on, having it exactly where one would expect it for matters of penetration.

“Now this is bigger than my fingers, and a whole lot less bendable. If I am hurting you, or it becomes too much for you, please slam the mattress with your closed fist, or tell me to stop. Alright?” Saska smiled at her.

“Wait!” Melody interjected. She sat up real quick and got off the bed, wiggling herself out of her silken robe. Then placed herself back in bed in front of Saska, also opened her legs slightly to suggest her readiness to the woman.

“You want to be fully naked, are you sure?” the woman inquired.

Melody nodded, smiling warmly at her, ensuring her consent. “I trust you. Please look at me while you do it.” she requested.

Saska wouldn’t be asked twice for this. She placed herself in position, for which she had to bend over slightly. To allow herself the perfect position to move in, she had to lift up Melody’s legs so they would move up her body, potentially resting on top of her shoulders. Meaning the Melody could be embarrassed by laying down like that. But the latter seemed to not only not mind, she seemed to enjoy it. So Saska continued by placing the prosthetic device between Melody’s legs, then she bent over her to be closer to her face.

“Relax, my sweet little Kitty.”

With those words she slowly pushed herself and the object inside of Melody, resulting in the latter making a sound that could be a mixture between a painful sigh and a happy expression. As soon as Saska was in all the way, she paused there for a moment. Instead of readying another thrust she just moved around her waist, which was enough to make the girl in front of her quiver and moan, pushing herself against Melody, to get in as deep as possible, then releasing the tension again would also prove effective in making the girl moan happily, and it was potentially easier to take. Yet Saska pulled back a bit, about halfway, where waited for Melody to calm a bit, before moving back in deeper from there. An action she repeated another few times until it seemed like Melody had gotten plenty horny from it, but also somewhat used to it. Which is when she changed it up again, now sliding out almost the whole way very slowly, before moving back in equally slowly, making sure the quivering girl in front of her could savour every moment along the way.

“You’re about the burst, aren’t ya?” Saska asked, with a teasing amount of callousness in her voice. Melody nodded, but Saska wasn’t happy with that

“Open your eyes when I am talking to you!” she bellowed.

Melody opened her eyes, looking down at herself, the way she laid in front of the other woman, she was filled with a sense of both embarrassment and deep gleeful happiness. Happiness so thorough and bright, it felt like her belly was about to burst with it. She was blushing but smiling, as if her own embarrassment turned her on even further.

“More. More please!” she begged submissively, not holding back in the slightest, no hesitation in her voice. Just pure desire.

And so the woman on top of her gladly complied.

“Nice pair of tits, little Kitty girl.” Saska callously stated as she slid back in.

And not just once.

Before she was teasing her, massaging her from the inside. Helping her relax. Silently communicating with her.

Now she was fucking her.

No half time, no moving around this time.

She was just fucking her while the girl below her quivered and moaned.

She would stop for a moment to sadistically look at her, their gazes would meet, Melody would feel the woman’s hungry gaze all over her body, and she loved every second of it.

Saska would just grab the girl’s waist and continue fucking her.

And fucking her some more.

While Melody just moaned, and made other cute little sounds. Little quips, and nips, like the horny little kitten she was.

It was then that she came, unequivocally, without the shadow of a doubt, as she released a loud moan that kept on going. She pulled herself towards the other woman by wrapping her legs around her. While the latter did her utmost to push in as deep as she could, allowing the girl to savour the feeling as much as possible. “Yeah kitty, let it all go, none of it matters, just allow your mind to go void.” She encouraged her.

The compulsions, the waves, the tickles washed through her body like waves from her object inside of her, pushing from the bottom. The woman’s grip on her waist, pushing the waves inward. The words, being called kitty, pushing from her face downwards. She was beneath the tidal crush, and it was all being washed away. Her fears, her embarrassment, who she had to be, who she wanted to be. It would pull on her so much. But in this very moment, with the aetheryte-blue eyed woman staring at her…

She felt seen.

She felt judged.

And she felt judged to be worth it.

She knew it was okay.

There it was, the moment of freedom. The split seconds of purity, of freedom from pain and fear.

It was okay.

She was okay.


Exhausted, Melody’s muscles released all their tension, essentially falling in on herself. Saska too, released her grip on the girl’s waist. She slid out of her and after a little pause proceeded to take off the device’s straps around her own crotch. Looking at the still slightly reverberating, but overall calm girl in front of her, she could not but be proud of her own seductive abilities. She slid the both of them back under the blanket. Laying her arm around the girl, allowing the girl to curl against her slightly, putting her head to Saska’s chest. Where she was now humming happily yet tired, almost purring.

“Hmm, thank you.” she mumbled quietly.

“Wasn’t that truly like coming home?” Saska inquired as she massaged Melody's head, ruffling through her hair.

“Yes. Truly. It was a good idea to come here.” Melody giggled almost silently “I must come here again in the future, never have I felt closer to home.” she added.

“Yes, you do that.” Saska scoffed “But maybe next time you tell that Lalafell what you were really feeling.”

Melody wildly shook her head and curled in further below the blanket.

“Oy oy oy! There is no running away from your feelings, sis!” the Miqo’te taunted her. But there was no further answer, as Melody started to fall asleep from the exhaustion.

Tired, but happy.

We can never go back to our childhood and our old homes. Not as they were.

But if we look really hard, we can find a part of time anywhere we go.

Home is where the heart is.

Home is where we are free.

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