Fitting Songs:
SH3 – Never Forgive Me, Never Forget
SH – Tears of...
How cold the day is, that you chose
for this trip,
how deep the evening runs, the setting
sun above your head.
You cannot remember why you chose to
walk through the forest this evening,
you only know that you must.
You do not know this path, you only
know that you must walk it.
Like a strange attraction, a feeling
in your head,
Like a brick beneath your chest, as if
your spine could not bear to turn the other way.
A flicker in your heart, a pain like a
needle at mere thought of standing still.
As you walk this path, you can feel
the coarse stony ground tremble beneath your feet,
spawning cracking sounds as if you
walked on bones.
Every step, you can hear them –
crumbling, breaking, pushing against your feet as you step on them, a
strange sensation like a lust engulfing you.
You know why you’re here.
You remember now.
They told you not to look.
To stay away.