Friday 3 September 2021

Melody Evenstar: Chapter 3

 Melody Evenstar: Chapter 3


Tags: FFXIV, Miqo’te, Lesbian, Dark

CW: Sexual Abuse, Grooming


Nothing today. Absolutely no appointment whatsoever. None tomorrow either. There was of course opportunity for spontaneous visits, but no guarantee they would specifically look for her. Saska rolled from one side of the bed to the other, audibly sighing in her boredom. By chance, she had absolutely no appointments that day, and Saska wasn’t one to invite free time like that. Normally it would be used by seeing if she could help around the house, work on her apparel, read the news or maybe mingle with the visitors who had not found someone to play with yet, or were maybe waiting for the appointment. Or perhaps she could massage some of her colleagues. Maybe one of the Lalafell? They, more than everyone else, would be overworked by their guests. At this point the Violet’s Blossom was employing four Lalafell in total, three female and one male Lalafellin personnel. And yet it seemed like even that was not enough. They would constantly complain about aching muscles, especially their feet, which were apparently being used a lot. They had no one employed to specifically care for the needs of her and her colleagues other than a medic. So who knows, maybe over time the overworked Lalafell would end up leaving or taking time off to recuperate, and then there would not be enough employees to…

Saska sighed loudly, she was now so bored and so underworked that she actually considered their employee management, something Madam Merywlyhs had proven time and time again to be more than adequate at dealing with, and it spoke to her own incredible boredom that she would even consider moving through the house to apply foot massages to everyone, including the Roegadyn Paladin out behind the house, whose back must be killing him.

It was at this moment that her thoughts wandered over to Melody Evenstar, the young soldier who had started visiting them a month ago. Saska wasn’t one to linger on guests she had accustomed before, at least not for anything other than considering how to make them feel good. To think about one of her guests in anything other than a professional setting was kind of unheard of for her. But she couldn’t but enjoy the fellow little Miqo’te with her endearing naivety and that almost innocent sense of lust inside of her. Whether she’d be riding her with a harness, eating her out while the latter listened to the little river within one of her rooms, having her meet Oka, it was so fun. Like she was her little plaything, her innocent little sister. And she was, as big sisters do, mentoring her, teaching her. Turning the girl into a woman...albeit sexually. Saska wasn’t a fool, she knew what she was, she knew her place… and yet. And yet she felt like she was somehow making a difference. Making a difference for a girl she knew for a month, who she shared a professional relationship with, a relationship that did not include the explicit goal of counselling, but that of offering sexual pleasures.

Saska groaned, rolled around on the bed like she couldn’t find a comfortable position to place herself in. What would she do with that girl next time? Last time she was here, she was with Oka, and she ended up meowing for him. She never heard someone meow unironically, least of all a Miqo’te. Yet it didn’t seem like a bad thing at all, she had previously called her a “little kitty”, and now she would learn that in the right circumstances her little kitty would also meow. And what an exciting prospect that was.

But what to do? She wasn’t a male Lalafell with the ability to easily charm herself into the girl’s heart. Would she have to endear her? Or would it be sufficient to simply turn her on to a point of it being an automatic response? She could tease her, prepare her neatly and then just let her sit there, have her beg for Saska’s care, have her grovel for it before Saska would allow her to receive pleasure. She would lie if she didn’t admit that she’d love to see the sweet girl beg to cum. Put her desires into words and speak them out loud. Yes, the very idea filled her with sweet excitement.

Saska rolled to the other side of the bed.

Or maybe! Maybe she could be made to meow by having to endure a much bigger insertion that she was used to. And they possessed plenty of methods to apply that, including her colleagues. But she was adamant in desiring the girl to meow for her specifically, so maybe help from her colleagues was out of the question.

Saska pulled in a couple of pillows and wrapped herself around them, letting her mind wander.

Melody Evenstar, what an odd name for a Miqo’te. Neither the first name nor the surname made sense as a given name for one of her kin, unless she was an orphan to the degree of being unnamed entirely and only living among Hyur. A meowing Miqo’te with a non-Miqo’te name, t’was like she was playing with some kind of fae creature.

“...are they some kind of metal or what?”

A voice far away from her stated. It was the voice of the Madam. Was she fighting with a guest over something? Saska’s left ear started wiggling as she tried to infer anything from the far away voices. She’d have to go and check it out herself.


“No apparently they’re ‘drives’. I don’t know what a drive is, but apparently they’re sought after?”

As Saska entered the establishment’s lobby, she saw two figures, the Madam and her new favourite little kitten – Melody Evenstar. The latter had emptied out a small sack on the counter, the contents of which could only be described as small blue plates? With a red marking on the side and maybe a slight tint of metal? Were they made of metal?

“By the twelve, what is a drive?” Madam Merywlyhs held one of these stones in her hand, trying to carefully bend them, or otherwise identify it’s qualities.

“Apparently they contain rich information on the long lost Allagan Empire. But I could not tell you how to get to that information, if I’m to be honest.” Melody tried to explain.

“Where the bleeding edge did you get this trash?” The Madam inquired.

“From Adventurers, mostly. Apparently Master Alphinaud is looking to create a new Grand Company in Mor Dhona. And he is working with Adventurers to look for potential recruits. I myself was thinking of applying actually, apparently they receive these stones as rewards and...”

“...and they receive this scrap metal as a reward?” The Madam cut her off “I don’t know what this Alphinaud is thinking, or what Adventurers are doing on the Empire’s blade tip of Mor Dhona, but I do not have any use for these things. How about Gil? Good old Gil works. It works for the Merchants and the Pirates, and it works for me.” Madam Merywlyhs was shaking her head.

“I must admit that I am a bit short on Gil this week, but maybe I can...”

She was cut off again, this time by Saska dashing in from behind the Madam.

“It’s fine it’s fine, I don’t have any appointments today – or tomorrow for that matter. So this one shall be on the house!” Saska excitedly exclaimed, grabbing Melody’s arm and pulling her away from the register in the Lobby, to instead enter the room she previously inhabited.

Inside, Melody managed to release herself from Saska’s grip.

“Are you sure it’s free? These stones might not be worth much to you, but maybe I can find something else to help out wi...”

“Nononono! It’s all good. More than good. I literally do not have anything to do, so it’s either playing with you or massaging the feet of every Lalafell in the house.” she looked endearingly at the girl, whose eyes wandered down to the ground while her face reddened.

“Don’t think about that too much.” Saska added. “How about you sit down on one of the pillows before the little fountain over there, and I will give you a really nice massage?”

The girl’s ears and tail flew up excitedly, and as she wandered over to a small fountain Saska had placed there a week ago, and sat down on a pillow, Saska made sure to quickly pour them some relaxing liquids and fetch the massaging oil.

As she returned a short moment later with everything gathered on a plate, including a towel, she was happy to see Melody already sitting on a pillow in front of the small fountain, said fountain consisting of two different height levels for the water. It would pour in from the top through mechanical devices inside the fountain, and from there pour down onto the lower level, where it would eventually be pumped back up. A process that – other than looking nice – allowed onlookers to listen to the sound of water pouring from one level to the next. Melody wasn’t the only one who really enjoyed these sounds. So were other guests as well as Saska herself. She wasn’t from Thanalan, so the water instead reminded her of the Lavender Beds and other regions within the Shrouds. As such, the fountain definitely aided her in her goal of bringing sufficient satisfaction and relaxation to both herself and her guests. Saska was quite proud of it all.

She walked up behind the girl sitting in front of the fountain, studying it and the path the water would take through the fountain itself. Saska pushed a sitting-pillow behind Melody with her foot and sat down on it, placing herself on the ground in such a way as to have Melody between her legs. A position she preferred most of all for how intimate it was, and yet how much control it allowed her over her guest.

She poured some of the liquid meant for relaxation into one of the cups and handed it to Melody from behind her. As she waited for the girl to finish the cup her eyes wandered over the girl’s backside. Checking her posture, but also looking at her neck and how her hair fell over it playfully. Later on she would start kissing that neck when it came to seducing the girl, and she was looking forward to that.

“May I take off your garments?” Saska asked as the girl had finished her drink. The latter nodded from in front of her and put down the cup.

With that permission granted, Saska started to take the girl’s upper clothes off. From the weirdly regal overshirt, to the less than regal undershirt. Only the girl’s bra she’d leave on for now, trying to avoid the girl becoming too embarrassed too early on to relax. But to her surprise Melody then continued to take her bra off herself, turning her head to send a smile to the woman behind her.

Saska was not gonna question or force it, she took it as a quiet gesture of consent to whatever Saska would have in store for her. She started by dropping some massage oil from the bottle on the plate into her hand, rubbing her hands together to create some warmth and make sure the first touch wouldn’t make the girl jump, then she placed her hands on the Miqo’te’s shoulder and began massaging her. Allowing her to release the tension in her muscles.


During the massage, Saska made sure to touch on all the girl’s muscles. Push the tension out of the shoulders, for they were often the most taxed during combat routine. She would apply alternating pressure to the back, making sure to stimulate the muscles along the back from all sides, where usually pressure would only be applied from the top through having to shoulder heavier gear and standing around all day to guard something. She also made sure to nicely oil up the girl’s Triceps so it might recover from swinging a sword all day, whether or not that was something Melody really engaged in. Every so often, Saska would leave a soft little kiss on the girl as well, be it on the neck, on the shoulder or on her waist, reminding her that she wasn’t just a body of war and conflict, but that her body was also quite attractive and desirable, something precious to nourish and enjoy.

Meanwhile Melody was either groaning from the pain in her joints and the pressure applied by the woman, or happily humming from the relaxation she was feeling. Every little kiss that was planted on her body resulted in Melody giggling playfully.

Listening to the girl giggle and squirm like that was almost a reward in itself to Saska. She didn’t know what kind of person Melody was when she was serving the Grand Companies during the day, but during the evening, specifically in these hours, she was her cute little plaything. A giggling, innocent little kitten. Her little kitten to be exact. And big sister Saska would make sure that innocent little sister Melody would thoroughly enjoy herself.

“I suppose it’s to come clean, isn’t it? This all isn’t really for free...” Saska held the girl in place before she could panic. “But the good news is, you can pay without Gil yet. So instead, how about you tell me a little bit about yourself? Last time you were here, you were with Oka, and you ended up meowing for him. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Miqo’te meow like an actual cat, tell me, where did you get that from?”

Melody, enchanted by a mixture of relaxing drinks, an enjoyable massage and the quick reminder of her encounter with the Lalafell man, was more than happy to provide the story.

“Incidentally, from my first ever crush. See… I’m an orphan, I never really knew my parents, I only know they are displaced from various wars across the lands. So I lived in a small colony with other orphans, among other groups displaced by wars in their homelands. I was part of one such settlement outside Ul’dah in Western Thanalan. Life there wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t that bad either. The other children, consisting of orphans and refugees were a fairly diverse mix of races. Among them was my aforementioned first crush.”

Saska could feel Melody relax further in her hands, as her muscles largely softened.

“His name was Gigineja Ririneja, but we other kids always called him Gigi. He was the son of a displaced merchant within the colony, apparently his father used to be a merchant in Ala Mhigo. He was a good one or two years older than me, dark brown curly hair that...haha!” She laughed out loud “Dark Brown curls that would always fall absolutely everywhere! Over his eyes, sometimes over his nose and especially over his small ears. During some months, his ears would be completely hidden under his curly hair. He hated having it cut short, or cut for long hair. He wouldn’t let anyone cut his hair. The other kids would always taunt him when it got too long, till eventually he would cut it himself. A...afterwards he would always look like one of Thanalan’s dry bushes.”

Melody giggled to herself. While Saska enjoyed listening to her tale, her message went from efficient in releasing the tension from muscles, to more sensual, guiding her story.

“In retrospect, he was quite rowdy. He just couldn’t be stopped, always getting into trouble, always playing the tough guy. He could be really mean sometimes, say things that hurt the other kids. Many of them hating him for that. But I couldn’t hate him. Like some other kids, I liked him. Nay, more than that, I loved him. The kind of troublesome adventures we went on together with him as the party leader, the way he looked at me with his shining, bright green eyes. Back then he was taller than me. I..I.. I still remember him so clearly, like he was standing there now, in front of little old me. Telling me that I should meow. I was a cat right? I look like a cat, like the domesticated kittens in Ul’dah. And cats don’t talk, they meow. So I would meow for him. I would be a good little kitten and meow for him. And in turn he would smile at me, laugh and pat my head.”

Saska formed a smile from behind the girl as she sensually caressed the girl’s waist. She could imagine the little innocent Melody playing Kitty for a childhood crush. Maybe she too could be that for her, now that she was becoming hers she should maybe make her meow for her too. In that it also came to no surprise to her that the girl would react to Oka like that, the moment said Lalafell had patted her head, it must have kicked her right back to her childhood. Could she then do the same? What would have to be done then for Melody to meow for her next?

“Meow meow! Meow meow! I would always meow for him, he would smile and pat my head. I so wanted to be his. A tough warrior and his little kitten. The only companion for him. Yet it never seemed like he wanted that. Eventually the other kids grew taller, taller than him, as he had grown quickly early on but then, as seems common for Lalafell, his growth had quickly reached its limit. So those kids would now look down on him. Not so me, I would still sit down for him, kneel, give him my most endearing meow meow, but it must have gotten to him. The years following that, he lost that tough guy image more and more, he distanced himself from us, would hang out with other friends, do other things, visit the streets of Ul’dah and get into even bigger trouble. Eventually, our paths diverted from one another, and I would see him less and less.”

Having Melody pour out her heart like that, Saska desired to really move in on her, tease her with her infatuation with this boy she used to love. Have her talk about how thoughts of the boy would fill her daydreams and her night-dreams, how she’d touch herself while she imagined meowing for her crush. But it just wasn’t the right time yet. Seduction was a form of art in itself, and it just wasn’t the right time to take that step, not yet at least.

“You know, I’d look for him sometimes. In the streets of Ul’dah. As when I became older, I too would raid the streets of Ul’dah with my friends. We would get into trouble too, but not as much as Gigi. Never as much as Gigi. We would – I must admit – often steal from the Merchants on the streets. As opposed to Gigi, we were smarter, more stealthy, rarely would we be caught. And if we were caught, then even more rarely would we subsequently be caught by the guards. We ran! So often we ran. Most of the merchants were so absent-minded all the time, not so the Lalafell Merchants, they’d be the most perceptive lot! They always knew we were up to no good, but that made stealing from them and teasing them so much more fun...”

“Melody Evenstar the stealing no-good bandit of Ul’dah!” Saska interjected, her voice faking a sense of excitement at the image.

Yet Melody shook her head. “I completely forgot! I wasn’t called that at the time. When I lived as an Orphan, my name was M’lodie Korr. Apparently a normal name for a Miqo’te, apparently I was sired by a man named Korr. A man I never knew. But everyone always pronounced it Millody, Me-lody or, as traveling Miqo’te would say – Lody-e. I always preferred what the other children including Gigi called me – Melody. Like the melody of music. ‘A beautiful melody’! That is what Minerva always said.”

“Minerva eh? Who’s that? Was she your first girlfriend?” Saska inquired.

Saska giggled, wrapping her arms around the girl in front of her, holding her in a sweet embrace.

“Before meeting Oka, you claimed to have never been with a man. Yet when I touched you weeks before you were shy and anxious, but not like a virgin would be. You clearly had been with women before. More than once I’d wager, given that your anxiety didn’t seem stem from fearing the stigma of same-sex intimacy.” Saska asked.

Melody shook her head. “But women are so safe, and so protective! Women were always gentle with me, sweet even, there is nothing I have to fear of them, do I?” whether or not she really meant that, the relaxing drink was definitely also taking effect.

“Minerva actually wasn’t my girlfriend. She was my… I suppose a mentor? My big sister maybe? Minerva Evenstar, she was a soldier and guard, working for the Immortal Flames. Most of Ul’dah’s guarding, policing and otherwise protective units, are of the Brass Blades. A mean lot. Whenever they caught children playing in the streets they would kick them off, throw them out of the city. Just for playing. We even heard other kids report that being caught stealing would frequently result in taking a beating. It’s why we were so good at not getting caught, we had to be good at not getting caught, we didn’t want to get beaten. We had heard the stories, seen the bruises on the other children. Sometimes the children who had been caught by the guards would not talk to us at all. We never really understood why, why some of those who returned would go so silent afterwards. Had they experienced worse? But what could that be? All we knew was that the Brass Blades were mean, and that we would never allow them to catch us.”

Saska was silent, Melody’s accounts were just further evidence to her endearing naivety and innocence, one she would not dare break through the troubling news of reality.

“Minerva wasn’t one of them! She was a proud Hyur fighter, and a member of the Immortal Flames. And at the time they were helping with guarding-duties in Ul’dah, for the Brass Blades had run into some kind of internal scandals and were subsequently spread thin in numbers for a few months. Good for Ul’dah I suppose, but bad for us. The Immortal Flames were a lot better trained than the Brass Blades, hell, my current occupation really speaks to that. Training within the Immortal Flames is rigorous, for we are the defenders of all of Thanalan, and these days even beyond our borders. We have to be the best of the best.”

Melody tilted her head, thinking about all that happened.

“I must have been about thirteen, my friends and I were stealing fruit from one of the merchants in eastern Ul’dah, the guards were on our back but they couldn’t catch us. I don’t exactly remember, but I think I hurt my leg during one of our raids, I wasn’t as fast a runner as usual, and then she came for us. A woman, clad in black and brown plate, a long sword at her belt and an even bigger shield on her back. She looked like a giant, bigger than any Brass Blade soldier we had seen before, and despite her size and gear she ran quicker than anyone I had ever seen. She ran and she caught us. But instead of giving us a beating, she escorted us outside the city walls, then she brought us fruit, fruit she had bought. She had my friends promise to never steal again, despite knowing that they would do so again. Not me however, me she brought to the infirmary in Ul’dah. She made sure they would take care of me, and she visited me every day. Other than Gigi, I don’t think I ever had an idol like that. A powerful woman. Tough and stern with others, dutiful in the execution of her tasks… but always nice, warm and easily excitable when she visited me.”

Leaving the Brass Blades and their darkness behind, Saska could feel the atmosphere clear up again, she started caressing Melody’s stomach, especially around her navel, aiding in her stories of big sisters and grand idols. As much as she felt a certain desire to be the girl’s new big sister, she could but cheer for that other woman, for helping Melody on a better path. And touching the girl’s now thoroughly relaxed body, she braced for the rest of this heart-warming story.

“We would kind of become friends in a way, and...understanding my pain, she would eventually invite me to live with her. It wasn’t an adoption, or anything official like that, but everyone knew and everyone accepted it. I was her new protege, her little sister, and I would do everything I could to become like her. I too wanted to eventually become part of the Immortal Flames, become an elite soldier like her. Put the Brass Blades in their place and become a proud defender of Ul’dah!”


“A Miqo’te woman with a crush on a Lalafell, that would even end up with a Hyur big sister. You really went around the world, and all that in Ul’dah and a tiny colony outside the city’s gates.”

A downtrodden past at first, but Saska was happy to see where Melody was coming from, and where her life started going going up again, whoever this Minerva Evenstar was, she had her thanks, for turning Melody into such a sweet and proud defender of Eorzea. She felt Melody’s heartbeat, felt it pump warmth throughout the girl’s body, this woman was clearly dear to her heart. She must be fully at ease right now, just like when they first met. The sound of the water flowing, dreams of her home, it was just like back then. Saska moved her hands up, spreading apart, engulfing the area to the side of Melody’s breasts, ready to move in, and bring the girl some added heat.

“I would train every day. I would run around Ul’dah, I would climb every rock surrounding the colonies, I would play with sticks while balancing a stone in my other hand. I would become like her yet. And she always supported me in that. She would show me how to hold a sword, and trained me how to swing it...”

Saska closed her eyes, placing her head on the girl’s shoulder.

“...she would even spar with me or with colleagues, show me how it’s done. She helped me understand blocking, how it would feel to take the energy of a blow. And when I was tired and exhausted from all the training, she too would massage me like you are doing right now. It would often be then, that she’d seduce me...”

Saska opened her eyes.

“…really when she slept with me for the first time, I was so anxious and so damn shy. I was still so young, so no wonder. I was afraid I would do everything wrong, but she showed what to do, what to touch and how to apply pressure. She showed me where my body would grow in the future, that I would grow breasts, and that maybe they would even look similar to hers.”

Saska pulled back her hands.

“The first time she made me cum, I would then sit between her legs, like you are doing right now. She would make sure that I am fine, that I am not feeling bad, that all is good and all is forgiven. Then we would kiss. We would kiss for hours...”

Saska froze, her arms hanging down from her body. All the energy was pulled out of her.

“...that one time, when I was playing with my friends, she came over to the colony, she would return me home earlier than usual. She wasn’t in a particularly good mood, something had clearly happened to her at work. Was she passed over for a promotion? Was there a fight with colleagues? Well I never really found out.” 

Melody laughed, seemingly remembering something funny.

“Minerva was so special, she always knew how to turn sadness into bliss. She always managed to make me happy when I was sad, and when it was her who was sad, she always received some sort of inspiration from it. I always adored that in her, that ability to turn negative emotions into blissful ones. The more her duties challenged her, the more she played with me, and the more stressed she became from encounters at work, the more she would fuck me when returning home to me.”

From Melody’s posture, the movement of her muscles and the clear escalation of her language, Saska could deduce that the girl was becoming hornier and hornier as she talked about her past. Saska herself however, was feeling fairly little of that. All she felt was anger.

“That day I mentioned, that one I still remember in my heart. She brought me home early, and we hopped into bed immediately. She was so hungry that day, she kissed me like never before… and then she would stick her fingers in my mouth. Back then I was so awkward, I didn’t know what to do but suck on them. And then she slid them inside of me. That was the first time she had fingered me. Penetrated me. I was so embarrassed, but she was so sweet. She held me real tight, made sure I was all safe and secure, while two of her fingers slid inside me and rubbed me from the inside. Never had I felt that much bliss. And it was then that I meowed for her, I meowed for her more than I ever had before...”

Saska formed a fist. She was furious, her entire body tensioned up. And there it was. She knew it was coming. But she couldn’t stop it. That one really fuelled her anger. And not just that, she was expecting something else. She knew it was coming. Everything in her body screamed to stop the girl from talking, so she wouldn’t say it. But it was futile, there was no running from it, she couldn’t leave the girl like that.

“...with the pushing and pulling she did inside of me, I meowed. She had called me her favourite little kitten before, but now I was more than that. I was her perfect little kitty-cat. I would look like a cat and I would meow like one. And I would feel nothing but bliss!”

Saska felt the overwhelming desire to bite her own tongue. All of her recent desires, her wishes, her depravities, they all came back at her. While the girl in front of her had clearly started to take things into her own hands. Melody moaned as she sat there, and following the girl’s arms, Saska could see that the girl had started touching herself.

“...’come little kitty-cat, meow for big sis! Close your eyes and moan for me. Tell big sis all your depraved desires!’...” Melody uttered almost as if in a bit of a sexual trance.

Saska felt sick to her stomach. Not just for the anger and disgust she was feeling for that woman, she was also feeling more and more disgusted by herself. For it wasn’t just her own desires for the girl reflected back at her. The girl’s tales, her masturbating in front of her...strangely enough it was turning Saska on again. A feeling of both pure disgust with herself, and an almost dark and foreboding desire to fuck the girl in front of her senseless. Acknowledging this feeling and it’s nature then just served to make her feel even sicker.

“...’come little kitty-cat, moan for big sis. Meow for me!’ Meow meow!” The relaxing liquid was further aiding her in losing herself to her memories and desires.

“Meow meow!” Melody giggled childishly “Meow! I’m meowing for you big sis!” she moaned.

“Big sis, my butt tickles too! Below my tail, it itches. What should I do about it?” Again she giggled, equally as childish as before.

“...’Do you want big sis to make the itching go away?’...”

Melody tilted and turned her slightly to the woman behind her. “Please make the itching go away.” She smiled.

Saska wasn’t sure what to feel. Sadness? Horniness? Anger? But anger at whom? At the woman who had been taking advantage of the girl, or at the woman who was about to? Was she about to? Part of her wished she could. It all unfolded in front of her in her mind, how she would lick her fingers, maybe apply some lube, and then stuff one or two fingers inside the girl’s butt. Make her meow for her too. That’s what she wanted right? To have the girl meow for her? To be her big sister showing her what to do?

Saska was absolutely disgusted with herself. By the images forming in her mind, by the desires she was feeling, by part of her mind changing to adapt. She tried to disagree with herself, tried to scorn herself, reprimand herself. But her thinking merely adapted, formed her, corrupted her. The girl in front of her had already been touched by that woman, and now she was already masturbating. Soon she would cum, whether or not Saska elected to aid her. So what would it matter? Why not do it? She was such a pretty girl after all. Saska herself preferred women to men, and the girl in front of her really was quite endearing. The sounds she made, the high pitched moans, the meowing, the pleading. Why not enjoy it too? Why struggle for what is an inevitability? Come on, help the girl. Better yet, make her yours. Will you lose to that creepy other woman? Make her yours, make her moan for you, meow for you. Make her squirm from your touch.

Saska was losing herself, her own horniness corrupting her mind, her reasoning. She hated herself. And the hate she felt towards herself only grew as noticed herself pick up a bottle of lube and apply its contents to the fingers of her right hand. She couldn’t stop. Well she could, but she wouldn’t. She just wouldn’t. And the more she moved, the less inclined she became to stop herself in the first place.

Almost helplessly did she watch herself apply the lube, then grab the girl and push her forward so that she would fall over. Likely on instinct the girl would catch herself by reaching out her arms.

Melody giggled childishly, filling Saska with both a creepy vibe and a chilling sense of glee.

“Will you fuck me now, big sis?” She asked submissively.

“Yep, back his will fuck you now. So make sure to meow for me plenty!” Saska watched herself answer.

Without giving preparation much of a thought, she pulled down the girl’s pants and panties. She would hold the girl’s butt with one hand, and use the other hand to stuff two fingers inside of her. Making the girl groan loudly, almost painfully. But she didn’t listen, not in this instance. Almost like in a state of hypnosis, she would push her fingers inside the girl’s soft behind for as deep as she could. Then slide them back out to the point of putting some space between the fingers and the girl’s butt, and then pushing them back in to make the girl emit a sound of both lust and pain.

And that was it. There was no gentleness, no wiggling of the fingers, no careful mind for a safe and satisfying experience. Saska felt her own depraved desire to fuck the girl senseless, just as promised, and nothing but. Melody meanwhile squirmed, groaned, moaned, giggled and – meowed.

Yet Saska was unable to genuinely appreciate it. She concentrated on fucking the girl. Fucking the girl senseless as requested. In and out. No love, no care, no empathy. She felt herself warp into that woman she hated so much. But she didn’t stop.

In and out.

Ever faster.

This wasn’t making love.

This wasn’t fucking.

Being fucked like that, the girl eventually came. Loudly. She didn’t moan a name, she just meowed or uttered the word “fuck”. Until Saska could feel the muscle around her fingers soften, along with the girl’s entire body, as the latter fell asleep. As she always would after cumming.

Only this time, Saska made sure to then masturbate herself. This wasn’t the usual procedure, she had done this job for long enough to not be affected by it like that. And yet she had lost herself to lust. Making herself cum like that wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t hot, and she didn’t enjoy it. But this feeling had to go, she wasn’t in control of her feelings here.

Finishing up, rationality returned to her senses. She quickly lifted up the girl and placed her onto her bed, making sure she was comfortable. She would remain here now, making sure the girl was safe.

Yet she felt sick. Especially sick of herself. She felt like she had to throw up. Not just about what she did, but also about what she had felt.

This wasn’t making love.

This wasn’t fucking.

This was self-harm.

And she had assisted her with it.

The amount of shame she felt was making her almost burst. Whether or not the girl would understand, what Saska had done to her was not okay. She would make sure that the girl was safe today, and that the Madam would be notified. But that she would not be allowed to see her again. Not if she couldn’t be trusted to control her emotions like that. She was a clear and present danger to the girl, and she should not be allowed to harm her any further.

A bummer. A real bummer. Saska could feel tears swell up in her. A bummer, but this is the only way. But a bummer yet.

She had clearly developed feelings for the girl.

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