Friday 3 September 2021

Melody Evenstar: Chapter 2

Melody Evenstar: Chapter 2

A Humbling Experience

Tags: FFXIV, Prostitution, Miqo’te, Lalafell, Lesbian, Straight

Warning: This story features sexual encounters with a Lalafell. While I wholeheartedly belief that Lalafell are adults, and this story deals with the way they are often perceived by society. The story nonetheless may make readers uncomfortable. Read at your own digression.


It was a warm afternoon in the Lavender Beds, the birds were chirping eagerly and nothing but a soft breeze would occasionally move between the trees. Melody was losing herself in dreams looking at it all. It was different from her home, yes, but the world outside of Thanalan never ceased to amaze her. Part of her wished for a place such as this one somewhere in Noscea, so she could observe the ocean for hours. Melody had returned to the Violet’s Blossom, and this visit wasn’t a novelty either, it had been two weeks since her first visit, and this was already her fourth visit. In this moment she was sitting outside of a porch-like structure one of the rooms had access to, just to observe the strange liveliness of the forests within the Lavender Beds. Melody had always been a bit of a dreamer, easily losing herself in vivid images her mind would conjure up, either by itself or while subconsciously staring at something. She had done so in the past as well, but since joint operations between the grand companies had started and she got to see more of the world, it had become stronger. She was just so thoroughly overwhelmed with the diverse beauty of the world around her.

“I got our drinks, sweetheart.” Saska’s lovely voice stated from behind Melody. She turned around to the pretty woman.

“I don’t think I will be needing it this time. I have gotten a lot better at releasing tension recently. I know I am safe with you!” Melody’s tail jumped up as she said that.

“Yes, you have been getting more into this, haven’t you? No drinks then, but should you desire them anyway, I will put the plate down over here.” Saska added. And with those words she slowly came walking over to Melody, who was still sitting at the porch. Saska sat down behind her, placing her between her legs.

“Still hypnotized by the depths of the forests, aren’t you?” Saska quietly whispered as she started to slowly run her hand through Melody’s hair.

“The experience is so mesmerizing. It’s not like trees are news to me, but this much going on, so much movement everywhere I look, it does so much more than hypnotize me. It also reminds me why this Alliance must exist, why Eorzea’s beauty has to be protected from the empire, with it’s tanks, it’s machines, the fires… oh the fires of war. They scare me so much.”

“Melody Evenstar, defender of Eorzea’s innocence, I like how that sounds.” Saska whispered warmly, as she continued to massage Melody’s head. The latter purring quietly.

“Eorzea and all its people, it’s such a peaceful place.” Melody added.

“Indeed. Look, I don’t understand too much about war, but I do understand it’s fallouts quite well. Shuren, the young Au Ra woman you have met already, came to us a few months back. To say she seems disturbed is an understatement. She never talks about anything, not her home, not her escape, not this place. She mostly listens or stays to herself. Sometimes she is in a brighter mood and she will laugh with us, and sometimes it is even worse, where she will not even see any guests. We try to give her the space she needs of course, but it seems to get worse for her.” Saska slowly caressed Melody’s ears, trying not to surprise or overstimulate her.

“As little as I know about war, I am very happy that the Madam advertises mostly to the soldiers of the grand company. Don’t misunderstand me, I know I am a courtesan, and not a great fighter, but in a way, I feel like we are helping too, in our very own way.” Saska added before returning to concentrating on massaging Melody.

“F- for s-sure! I’m not exactly the Warrior of Light, and yet I too feel like I am doing my part. And you are definitely helping me-e!” Melody jumped slightly, as Saska slid one of her hands below Melody’s shirt.

“So little kitty, what will it be today? Are you longing for a deep connection, or do you prefer for us to cuddle and talk?” Saska interjected in a seductive tone of voice.

“I- I actually would not...”

“Or I could eat you out while you listen to the sound of the river, like last week.” Saska added.

“No no no! Definitely not that! Not today at least.” Not getting to feel Saska’s skilled tongue-work today was definitely saddening her, but her embarrassment was just too big.

“It… it is just one of those days a month, where that just wouldn’t do me any good, if you understand what I mean.”

Saska pulled her hand out from underneath Melody’s shirt. “And yet you’re here, maybe we get over on the bed then and just talk…” Saska’s eyes warped into a sadistic smirk “...unless you’d like me to play a little bit with your backside while you submissively meow into a pillow.”

The red shot into Melody’s face harder than it had in weeks, harder than on her first visit.

“Whaaaat? Noooo~, I’m here because I like to visit you all, because you’re such good company!” she quickly brabbled while visibly shaking.

“Right, that is why you wholeheartedly greet half of us, try your very best to ignore the Lalafell and then hurry towards me, because you like hanging out with us. Don’t you think it’s high time you tell me why you’re avoiding them so much? It’s not disinterest, you are clearly not interested in the towering Argwhyr, and yet you greeted him just fine today. Oka on the other hand you didn’t even grant more than a hopeful glance.”

Melody however shook her head, almost violently. “I don’t have a problem with Lalafell at all.”

“Right.” Saska nodded sarcastically.

“I get it.” She shrugged, “You have a crush on a Lalafell, and you are way too embarrassed to admit it.”

“No I don’t.” Melody shook her head.

“You see him every day at one of your stations, and you want to ask him out, but you can’t because you’re afraid.”

“No no no no no….”

“What’s his name?” Saska looked at her intently.

“ no no no...”

“What’s his name?” She repeated

“You know, I think I am actually only interested in women, so…. Aaaaaai!” Saska had grabbed the girl’s ears, running her finger along the inside of them.

What is his bloody name?” Saska repeated one last time before Melody finally answered.

PIPIN TARUPIN, VICE-MARSHAL OF THE IMMORTAL FLAMES!” Melody yelled out, her voice likely reaching the adjacent rooms as well. “And absolutely my superior in every way.”

“There we go, you have a crush on a superior officer. Wouldn’t be the first time I am hearing that, believe it or not.” Saska explained in a fairly neutral tone of voice.

“But he’s a Lalafell...” Melody added

“Yeah I know, I’ve seen him before. He’s also a Vice Marshal, a mighty warrior. You wouldn’t be the first one to find a mighty warrior plenty attractive.”

“And before him Hattatori Tori, First Lieutenant of the Immortal Flames. And Opori, a boy I used to know when I was very little...” Melody added.

“So you have a thing for Lalafell.” Saska concluded.

“I do not have a thing for Lalafell, I definitely have a thing for mighty warriors.” Melody argued defensively.

“Right. Mighty warriors who happen to be Lalafell. Are you ashamed because he’s from another race, or specifically because he’s a Lalafell?”

“Is this an interrogation?” Melody snapped back at her.

Saska let out a loud sigh. Then she got back up from the ground. “Wait here, I shall inquire whether Oka is free right now.”

“No please don’t! I… I definitely wanted you today, you are my favourite Saska!” she pleaded.

“It’s fine, I’ll stay with you. But so will Oka. Wouldn’t be the first joint operation we are undertaking.” she giggled “This is an alliance after all.”

“No! That is too expensive. See I will...”

Saska sighed again, louder this time. She returned to the panicking woman now turned around and on her knees.

“You clearly make enough Gil to come here two to three times a week. How about you stop whining, be the soldier you are and let us work on that? Be strong, little kitty.” she smiled warmly. And with those words she left the room, leaving the Miqo’te to internally panic by herself.


A few minutes later, Saska returned to find Melody kneeling on the ground, her head lowered to the ground, clearly scared of what was about to happen to her.

“Attention soldier!” she bellowed at her. Causing Melody to tension up, still kneeling but looking up to her.

Behind Saska a smaller entity entered the room. The entity eventually came into frame as it stepped besides the larger Miqo’te woman. It was a Lalafell man. The Lalafell she saw on her recent frequent trips to the Violet’s Blossom. The man looked so incredibly boyish, his features childishly soft, down to the rosy cheeks, darker spots around the man’s small stubbly nose and a visible blush above his cheeks that looked like the perfect painting of what one would expect, when prompted to imagine a small child. The man spread out his arms and shifted his weight to his right foot, lifting the other one slightly.

“Heeeeeeeey! You are a cute miss, you are. I am so pleased to meet you!” he yelled. Even his voice was childish and playful. It was getting to Melody a tiny bit, but more than attracting her it just made her feel even dirtier and shameful than before. She dropped her head, staring to the ground, trying to dissociate away from her feelings.

“Awww, don’t hang your head like that sweet miss, you’re my big sis now, and I’d love to spend some time with you! Come cheer for me!” the man hopped from one leg to the other.

Saska however bellowed with laughter. “Hahaha, I love how you do this, Oka! But you can drop the act, she likes em’ fierce. Little kitty here is dreaming of laying with heroes!” she continued to laugh out loud. Much to Melody’s dismay as it just added to the shame she was feeling.

The Lalafellin man nodded to her. “Normal it is then, easier that way too.”

Melody’s head flipped upwards in surprise.

“Oy! There she is, and what pretty blue eyes she has!” The man expressed. His voice was so different. It seemed almost freer, warmer, almost comforting. He further rewarded Melody with a warm, almost fatherly smile.

“Blue? Really? You think her eyes are blue? They’re more green-ish to me.” Saska argued.

“Hmmm...” the Lalafell man crossed his arms, giving the Miqo’te woman a closer look. “Aye, you might be right there, it is closer to the green, but they are shimmering blue as well. In any way...” the man stepped forward and closer to Melody, reaching out his hand. “...hello there young miss, Okataru is my name. But you may just call me Oka, everyone here does.”

Melody tilted her head to the side. Was that a Lalafellin name?

“I ‘eard you’re looking for some… physical counselling, from one such as me. Then how may I help ya?” his accent, his tone of voice, his entire way of moving was different. He seemed almost worldly now. Like a sweet teacher, but so small.

As she tried to find the words to describe her feelings, the man had procured a small stool from the corner of the room and placed it in front of her. His legs wrapped around each other, he looked deep into Melody’s eyes, waiting for her to speak up.

“I… uhm..” she didn’t know how to start “ are different. No...” the tension in her face grew as she tried to find the words “You are sweet, very sweet. But I don’t know why I find you so sweet.”

“Because I’m an attractive male in the prime of years? Hahaha!” he bellowed, laughing, making him sound a good ten years older. There was that feeling again, for someone so small, the man seemed almost fatherly to her. Like he had her figured out already.

“Seriously, why wouldn’t you find me attractive? I have fine skin, I am well groomed, brute strength isn’t my deal but you can still find the odd pronounced muscle on me. And… not that you know, but I actually know how to hold a sword, quite well too, if I may say so myself.”

He didn’t sound like he was bragging, despite him listing features like that. She could not but agree with him. Checking him out again, the man had not lied, he was surprisingly muscular if one was keen to look for it. His attire, and his style, seemed consciously designed to appear childish, yet his voice, manner of speaking and the tension in his body would betray that image. Not like Melody was an expert, but seeing those legs, the way he walked when he went for the stool, she was sure this man was a fighter of some sort. Despite how he looked, it was like a mirage. Melody didn’t know what to think.

“Yes but…but...” she didn’t know what to think or what to say, let alone what to feel.

“But I’m small? Yes I am. I am very small.” he finished her sentence.

“Not just compared to you. Compared to just about any race of people out there in Eorzea, those I have had the honour to meet so far, I am very small. And yet I am here, and you are not exactly the first guest to ask for my services.” He seemed more and more infatuating to Melody, especially in his mature bluntness.

“See, to the people of Eorzea we evoke all kinds of feelings. Some look at us, and view us as a scheming lot. It’s rare that I meet with a member of the Immortal Flames, for they’re of Ul’dah, a city firmly in the hands of Lalafell. When they look at me, it’s that which they see in me. A scheming, greedy creature. The Maelstrom units may be even more rare, not just for their home is far away, but because when they look at me, they don’t see something worth their respect. Be it that I remind them of their pirate past, or of the pirate scum they tolerate in their city, I am nothing but dirty to them. Weak and dirty. And what about Soldiers belonging to the Order of the Twin Adder? They make up – that much I can tell you – the majority of the guests willing to take my services, but with there being less Lalafell in the Shrouds, I am but an exotic good to them. A curious little thing they probe and study. And what Coerthan royalty has asked of me in the past, well I better not tell you.”

There was a fire in the man’s eyes, Melody could not but listen intently.

“My point is, it’s apparent to everyone that I am small, and yet so many desire me anyway, they project all kinds of ideas onto me, and I am happy enough to oblige them in that, because that is what I am good at. No matter what kind of image it is you are projecting onto me, know that below all these images is but a man. Below your comrades, the traders of Ul’dah, the pirate scum of Limsa Lominsa, are but men. And it is those men you fall in love with, is it not? Their courage? Their strength? Your heart knows this to be true, while your eyes deceive you, for your head lies to you. What is the Roegadyn soldier but 3 times the space to stick a knife, when he’s the same man underneath?”

He hopped off the stool and pushed it in even closer.

“I know not what you see in me, young miss, but know that I’m but a man. And where my body is small, my courage burns at the same size as yours.”

Melody blinked, she was being enchanted by the man. Despite essentially being humbled by her own prejudices, she was being thoroughly mesmerized by the man’s strength, his wisdom, his warmth. It was as if his voice was becoming deeper too, like she could hear it at the depth of her heart now. He was so… inspiring that Melody hadn’t even noticed that he was now so close, that she had to look up slightly to keep looking into his eyes.

“My apologies, if I humbled you my lady, it wasn’t my intention. What I am trying to say is that no matter what you see in me, I am nothing but a normal man. And what are men to do, if not comfort a young lady seeking a warm haven in a storm? What good are we, if we cannot bring a proud lady her much needed comfort? Especially one as beautiful as you.”

Being close enough to Melody to be a bit above her, the man got into a standing position that allowed him to tower over the Miqo’te woman kneeling in front of him. From there he placed his hand on her head, and slowly ruffled through her head. “There there, no need to fret young woman, you’re safe now. Okataru will care for you now.”

It was at this point that Melody was completely enchanted by the man’s charm, his humbling tale, and the safety he seemed to represent, his deep voice echoing in her head. Him patting her head just sealed the deal completely, to the point where she subconsciously started purring for the man.

“Saska...” he started in a lighter voice, talking to Saska who was sitting on a sofa next to them, watching the scene unfold in front of her while smiling. “...say, has she sailed the seas yet?”

Saska nodded to him “She has had the odd few ventures yet, but she won’t be up to travelling the seas today, the boat is at the pier, but she’s at home, preparing for a storm to hit.”

Melody didn’t know what the two of them were talking about, the more she listened, the less interesting it seemed. Yes it was odd to hear them discuss sailing, but it just seemed more worthy of her time to enjoy the man’s warm hand on her head, and how his nimble fingers ran across her scalp. She stopped even so much as hearing most of their discussion, as in her heart only one wish remained. The desire to lie in the man’s arms, have him tell her how pretty she is and how brave.

“...think she’d like to try the sea further inland?”

“That might be possible, she’d be scared, but there is a first time for everything.”

“Will you ready the boat?”

“Yes, but you’ll have to help me with the ropes.”

Melody wasn’t sure what was going on, but first she noticed Saska leave the room, then the man was moving slightly away from her. He let go of her and beckoned her to follow him. Losing her physical connection to him almost devastated her, she suddenly felt a huge pull on her from the inside of her body, like a vital organ violently leaving her organism. She wanted it back, she needed it back, the connection had to be re-established. So quickly she crawled after him towards the sofa. There,, he waited for her.

Saska re-entered the room, with a few things in front of her on a plate. Melody assumed it to be fresh wine and paid her no attention. She wanted to feel the man’s warmth again, his deep endearing voice, his hand on her body.


Suddenly she was yanked backwards and onto her feet, she started to shiver but it all happened so quickly. She watched the Lalafellin man climb onto the sofa with some kind of sheet in his hand, which he proceeded to place on the lean of the far side of the sofa. Then he pointed at it. Whoever was holding her yanked her over to the sofa and then proceeded to bend her over the far side of the sofa. Her crotch was over the sheet while the rest of her body came to fall onto the longer side of the sofa, her legs dangling down from the far end.

She struggled, trying to fight off whoever was holding her. Then it got worse, Okataru was helping the other person push her down, and she started to feel rope on her wrists. And that was too much. A wave of adrenalin washed through her body as her legs managed to find enough footing for her to throw her body backwards against the person behind her. Repelling them she got up from the sofa and threw herself onto the ground. Rolling over the ground she managed to pull a tiny pocket knife from out of her left boot. She quickly grabbed the heft of it and dashed forward from the ground towards the man and….

To her surprise she was stuck in place. Very slowly she regained her senses, enough to notice what was blocking her. It was the Lalafellin man, he had grabbed her right arm, and seemingly blocked her knife with a knife of his own.

“Calm yourself, young woman. No one wants you any harm.” he said, while he continued to parry the woman pushing against him.

For a while they remained like this in their little standoff, until the Adrenaline would finally subside within Melody’s body and she released the force with which she pushed against the man. Dropping the knife on the ground. Breathing a sigh of relief, the man, who had not once broken his gaze at her while he had to parry her attack, also proceeded to place the little knife back in his own boot. Saska appeared before her.

“I.. I apologize. I underestimated your trance.” she bowed before her.

“My… my trance?” Melody inquired.

“Yes, you seemed so in the moment, I did not want to pull you out of it. And yet I did. I apologize. Do… would… would you still desire for us to pleasure you?” she asked outright.

As Melody’s body calmed down, and she finished staring at the two, she eventually nodded, allowing Saska to place her on the sofa’s end similar to how it was previously.

“Just… Please no ropes, alright? No ropes.” she pleaded. So she was placed there without ropes.

She didn’t know what to think of her current position, but it was comfortable enough. She was just bent over a round end of a sofa, so her lower body would be accessible, where her head lay in the middle of the sofa. Yet thankfully she received a small pillow for her head. Then the Lalafellin man, calmed down himself, sat down on the sofa in front of her.

“I wanted to have this talk when you were in position, but I apologize, I shall do so now. I want you to know what we are planning for you, and I want you to be as comfortable as possible while it happens...” he sounded so confident, so humble and respectful. It was so easy for Melody to slowly fall back into her trance-like state of desiring the man and his words.

“ requested, you shall not be tied up, but please do not move from your position anyway, at least not too hastily. This is all based on your consent and your comfort of course. So please, when you want us to Full Stop, please say “Full Stop” and we will oblige. For when you want us to slow down, give you a little moment or just be a little bit more gentle, please say “Slow Step”. Saying “Stop” will also make us go slower, rather than fully stop, unless you request it has a different meaning. Opening and closing your fists, will have a similar meaning in case you cannot speak”

Melody answered by nodding carefully.

“Good, then all you need to know, if that we will now proceed to make you feel good in a way we deem perfect for you, please relax.”


And with those words he pulled up Melody’s head and planted a kiss on her lips. As he pulled back he placed a hand on her cheeks and smiled at her warmly. At the same time, Saska was undressing Melody’s lower body, to the point of pulling off her panties and exposing her bare ass that was looking towards her. The red flashed back into Melody’s face, she didn’t have any of the relaxing wine this time so she was scared and slightly ashamed. But she promised Saska that she was over it now, so she tried to stay strong.

An endeavour made significantly easier by the Lalafellin man planting another kiss on her mouth. This time a lingering one, allowing Melody to lean into it. The man’s lips were so small, yet so warm too. Coming really close to his face she could feel a slight tickle from the tiny hair that had started regrowing on his face. He must have shaved this morning, because it was already regrowing, to the point of brushing against her cheek as they were kissing. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, yet an odd one as she had never kissed a man before. Not only was his mouth smaller, so was his tongue. And yet it was so nimble, so quick, and yet also so calm as it wrapped itself around her own. “And they say cats have sharp tongues, yet yours is so soft miss.” he whispered while smiling at her.

As the two of them were losing themselves in the kissing, Saska started to caress Melody’s butt. Placing her hands on her legs, then slowly moving up until she was at her cheeks. She then grabbed and groped them. As that was going on, Melody and Okataru just started kissing more and harder. Until eventually she started whispering, quietly begging for more.

“You are such a fine man, can I see more of you? I want more of you. Please let me see more!” she pleaded.

The Lalafellin man happily obliged. Gently sliding out of, first his pants and then his underpants, allowing Melody to see his penis. And while this wasn’t the first time she had seen one, it was the first time she had seen that of a Lalafell. Let alone so close to her face, it was flaccid currently, and while she didn’t know too much about male anatomy, she was for sure going to try to get it into a harder state.

So without even asking, she reached out her hands towards the man and immediately placed her right hand on the man’s exposed genitals. It wasn’t as small as she thought, or as big as she feared. It was just normal, given the man’s body size it seemed more than adequate. Being this close it also allowed her to smell the man, who, to her surprise, also smelled fairly normal. The way all men seemed to smell, not as nice and sometimes downright erotic as women, but still absolutely fine.

As Melody was exploring the man’s crotch like a nosy student, Saska gestured something to Okataru Melody couldn’t see. But something she could feel. Something cold. Saska would apply some cold oily liquid to her backside, a cold liquid that would continue to get warmer but still enough to surprise her. Especially as Saska continued to massage both her butt and the area around her butthole with said liquid. It turned her on without a doubt, despite her being ashamed to derive pleasure from having her butt massaged like that. It made her softly moan and feel increasingly horny, especially with that man’s flesh in front of her like that.

“I’d never ask anything of a lady, that would be unbecoming of her...” he started, but it was kind of too late, Melody had already pulled him in slightly and quickly pushed the man’s dick in her mouth.

The taste was really hard to describe, and so was her feeling further shame from even desiring to identify the taste of that man’s dick. The mixture of fascination and shame of trying to identify the taste of Lalafell cock had just fueled further excitement. Especially as Saska continued to massage the area about her butthole with a warm liquid she could swear was making her more relaxed overall. Yet it would leave her mind as quickly as it had entered, as she could feel the man’s penis get more and more erect while inside of her mouth, a truly indescribable feeling, like it was growing inside of her. And it just turned her on even more. As she began to not just play around, but actively suck on the man’s cock.

Cock. She was thinking about it as a cock now. What a strange feeling. Before it was junk, genitals, maybe a dick. Now it was a cock. And thinking about it, calling it a “cock” in her mind seemed more than correct to her, more, it further enticed her the more she thought about it.

She was sucking cock. And it was good.

She was sucking cock. And it was fun to think about something as small as a mere sentence.

She was sucking cock. Nice hard Lalafell cock.

For this tiny moment, one this very day, she was actually playfully honest to herself. It was so enjoyable to be honest to oneself, just so hard to attain it. She would think of all the times she looked at Pipin, the man she loved. Or her Lalafell comrades. She never would have allowed herself to think about it for longer than a split moment. It would come to her mind, and then disappear as she’d force herself to feel an almost inquisitive level of shame, as if her desires had to fight against her. Not a single time had she felt as much of a duality of herself, as right now. So much had it become apparent to her how much she would punish herself for having certain feelings, certain desires, for so much as having certain images pop up in her head, as if their mere existence was a crime to the world, and a crime to her comrades.

She recalled all the moments in which she talked to her Lalafell comrades at campfires, listened to them tell of their sexual conquests in various cities, and would then for a split second consider if it would be okay for her to ask them if she could suck their dicks. Now those moments then were gone in an instant and she’d hate herself. But now, in this very moment, now that she was reflecting on these situations, the images returned, and this time they lingered.

A comrade telling her of her sexual conquests, she could have asked him if he wanted his dick sucked. Right then and there, in the middle of making camp, she would get on her knees, on all fours if need be, and pleasure the bragging small man. He’d act like a big shot, like some kind of ladies man, and Melody would play right into it, she’d fall to her knees and ask… no… BEG the man to suck his cock. And then there she would be, sucking damn fine Lalafell cock like a little slut.

Her body started shivering. Was this what it was like to have an earnest sexual fantasy? Was this what it felt like to not trash any earnest desire the moment it appeared? It was amazing, it was incredible. But why now? Why could she do it now? Why couldn’t she do it all the time? What was this man doing to her that she couldn’t reproduce by herself. Was it some kind of drug? Was he a magician? How was he so good at getting her to be so balanced? So honest?

She was sucking the man’s cock, enjoying it thoroughly and longing for more. And some shame was there. There was a voice in her head telling her to be ashamed of these dirty thoughts, of her depravity. It was there, but it was quiet, and somehow really far away. It said the same thing as always, but somehow this time it’s arguments didn’t really convince her. It was too easy to tune it out and listen to this other voice instead, a voice she found to be much more sympathetic.

Lalafell cock. She wanted more Lalafell cock. That bragging little dude could do whatever he wanted to her.

“More. More!” She pleaded like a starving deer.

She got more, but not what she expected. Instead the man would pull his dick out of her mouth and instead push two fingers from each hand into her mouth. She didn’t know what was coming, but part of her kind of expected what was to happen next.

Which came to be the truth as she could feel Saska enter her butthole with one of her fingers. She clenched her butt, but her butt didn’t react as much. Instead Saska would force in another finger. Unable to clench her butt she tried to clench her teeth, but felt herself unable to as she only bit on the man’s fingers, and he seemed surprisingly unphased by that.

As Saska started to move around her fingers, slightly stretching them outwards and then back to one another, then turned around and repeated, Melody felt herself relaxing again and loosening the tension.

“Can I… can I please? I need to continue...” she had to say it out loud, and then feel even more depraved for doing so. “Can I please suck your cock some more?”

But the man shook his head “No, you’ve had enough sucking for now.” he would just grin at her sadistically while his erect penis just stood over her, out of reach from her grasp.

“Please sir! Please let me suck your cock!” she pleaded again, feeling even dirtier in the process.

But the man would just laugh, stroking himself.

“She is ready.” Saska calmly stated.

“Good, it’s about time too, look at her, little kitten is already begging for my cock.” he teased, then he stood up and the two of them switched position. Okataru would get comfortable standing on the chair next to the sofa’s end and Saska would sit down on the sofa next to Melody.

“Remember, little kitty, tell us when you need a break.” Saska reminded her.

But she didn’t need a break, she wanted more. Yet she was scared.

“I don’t need a break but...but… please hold my hand while he does it, okay?” Melody said, not looking at Saska. Yet the latter obliged and held her hand tightly.

Behind her, Melody could hear a slicking sound, the man was likely applying some kind of lubricant to himself.

“Be a good girl and relax, will ya?” he said warmly from behind her.

‘Good Girl’, he had called her a good girl. After ruffling through her hair and saying he’d keep her safe, this was probably the third big phrase out of his mouth that made her melt in his arms.

But she didn’t have too long to consider that, as promptly he started to slowly slide his dick into her. Saska’s fingers felt big already, but this was even tougher. She had felt tickles on her backside before, warranting the thought that she might desire anal sex, yet she had never so much as tried it herself.

The feeling was incredible. Being slightly painful, but more than that being so damn enjoyable. The man’s dick wasn’t huge, but neither was her butt. She could feel her tail wrap itself around the man slightly, as the latter pushed himself deeper into her.

“Relax, relax. It’s all good, I will make you feel good. Good girls get rewards!” he stated behind her. Driving her insane.

Her teeth were clenched, her eyes closed, she pressed her hand against Saska’s.

“Relax little kitty.” Saska added, as her other hand ruffled through Melody’s hair, aiding in further keeping her in place.

“” Melody begged pitifully.

He obliged. He gladly obliged.

He started moving again, pulling out his dick, grabbing her cheeks and pushing it back in.

It wasn’t like it had been the first time she was with Saska. It wasn’t slow, it wasn’t so deep. It wasn’t so easy.

It was rough. The man was slamming into her, as he pushed her cheeks together, making her feel even tighter.

Melody wasn’t thinking about these times too much though, she was too busy getting fucked. She moaned, she whinged, she even meowed once or twice. Especially during the times when Okataru didn’t go in all the way and proceeded to just tease around with her butthole, making her drop little meow sounds that then became louder as he slid it back in. Transforming back into normal moans.

Melody was getting there, she didn’t want to, she wanted to enjoy it some more, feel herself being filled out some more. But she couldn’t, her body wasn’t used to it enough yet. She couldn’t stop it. No, she could only think of two things. Being fucked by her Lalafell comrade at campside and the words “Getting Fucked”. The entire sentence or phrase, in her head. Like a voice talking to her and she was so damn into it. “Getting fucked by Lala-Cock, sucking Lala-Cock, Getting Fucked by Lala-Cock.

And that was what made her cum. The words in her head, the actual cock fucking her good and rough. She moaned extra loudly, her voice breaking as her body started shaking and the waves of bliss shot through her body.

“Saska… I’m...hmmm.” was the only thing she managed to say.

“I saw it, my little kitten, you came so well. You did so well, I’m really proud of you.” she ruffled through Melody’s hair as the latter closed her eyes.

“Hah, I can’t believe you meowed for me. That was very cute.” Oka said as he came wandering over to her at the side of the sofa. “I’m happy to see that you got some of it out of your system, but please know, physical therapy needs more sessions, it will be some time before you can be fully honest to yourself. So please consider continuing your therapy with me in the future.” Melody knew he was smiling, but she couldn’t see it anymore. She just kinda relaxed fully and started to fall asleep, with a huge smile on her face.

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