Summer Fling
‘ - Marks thought
“ - Marks speech
Tags: Lesbian
Jessica chewed on her lower lip, her right leg was shaking and her eyes kept scanning the street side. Nothing. Her eyes moved back down and to her phone instead where she was desperately trying to find a Reddit thread able to hold her attention for long enough to forget her nervousness. /r/lolcow, /r/actuallesbians, /r/theserfs, /r/smashbros noooo none of this will do. What’s going on in the world over at the Chapo Subreddit? Oh no, that’s right the Chapo Subreddit got banned. Jessica looked up from her phone, scanning the street, and returning to her phone screen, it had turned off, so now all she was seeing was her own face.
‘I look ridiculous!’ she thought to herself ‘half the powder on my face looks like cookie crumbles and my eyeliner AGAIN ISN’T SYMMETRICAL.’ She groaned to herself. Rays of sunlight started falling into the small alleyway the restaurant she was sitting outside of was located in, which just added to her annoyance as now she had also dodge the sun.
‘Really, she isn’t going to come. There is no reason to come. I’m not worth actually meeting with, she probably has something better to do, or she clocked me from my profile, or the way I speak, or my voice, or how I write. Ugh!’ she audibly groaned, moving to the side with her chair to dodge a ray of sun that started to shine in her face. ‘I shouldn’t have done this. Really, why not just stay online? Enjoy just messaging people, occasionally some erotic roleplay, I don’t need to meet real people in reality where the sun doesn’t stop fucking shining into my god damn face!’
She had enough of being constantly being blinded. She stood up from her hair and moved to the chair opposing her. ‘Fuck me now my neck is getting all warmed up, but at least I can…. oh of fucking course now my phone screen is unintelligible.’
“Hnnnng” she roared out in frustration. For a few minutes she tried to adapt to it, but pretty quickly she ended up giving up and switched back to her original seat, electing to instead shuffle the chair to the side to escape the sun blinding her.
‘If It turns 15 past I’ll likely just go. Yeah she won’t come, I will just go. Should she appear afterwards I can just say that I waited till 20 past but that she didn’t come. Maybe I should leave immediately. Or I shouldn’t, the doctor said I shouldn’t. Ride the wave Jess, Ride the wave of your emotions, ride the wave and dive into your fears. Prprpr.’ she started blowing raspberries to herself in the reflection of her phone’s screen. ‘So anyway, what is on actuallesbians other than Subaru and short fingernail memes? Oh wow a picture of Crowder saying “Woman hot, change my mind.” Fuck you Crowder. Fuck yourself. You know I think you have the most punchable face in the world, how about you try to change my mind about that fuckfa…..’
“JessiCat69 is that you?” an excited voice exclaimed next to her.
She quickly whirled around towards where the voice came from, dropping her phone to the table with a loud clanging noise. Before her stood a tall auburn haired woman in what seemed like her 30s brightly smiling at her.
“Ye- yes?” Jessica quickly stuttered out, temporarily stunned by the woman’s strong aura.
“Heya sweetie kittens! It’s me Katie! Come on, get up and give me a big ol’ bear hug sweetcheeks!” the woman proudly shouted out while opening her arms wide for a hug.
She had so much energy, so unbelievably much. Jess had just spent minutes escaping the sun forcing itself onto her, and now the woman she was meant to meet was the supplementary fireball meant to take her back. Oh! Oh yes! A hug. It’s what queer people did for greeting one another. She slowly stood up and trotted towards the auburn haired woman. ‘You can hug her Jess, just do it. But not too tight, don’t be a creep. Hug her tightly for about 10 seconds but try not to touch her more than is necessary to form what can be defined as a hug. And don’t under ANY circumstances touch her boobs. Oh my god why are you even thinking this?’ she awkwardly tried to hug the woman, barely touching her.
The redhead however seemingly felt different about the affair, closing in her own arms to squeeze Jessica tightly. Her body was so warm, so thin, so… oh no, Jessica would feel the woman’s breasts on hers. ‘Blank it out Jess, just pull your mind away, don’t feel it, don’t pay attention to it, if you choose not to notice it you won’t be a pervert creep.’
Eventually the woman let go of Jess and the two of them sat down at the table. An uncomfortable calm set in immediately as the older woman just looked at Jess. Jess tried to reciprocate the gaze but failed. The woman she was looking at was so pretty. So energetic and quibly, but at the same time so composed. She wore a dark red blouse and still had a brown leather bag slung over her back. It was impossible to put into words how Jess felt, but the woman seemed both playful and smug like most of her gaming friends, yet at the same time imposing and wise like the earth mother. Jess felt small, yet observed by an angel. No two ways about it, she was completely enchanted by the woman who so far hadn’t said more than two sentences.
“Damn, you’re even prettier in person than in your pictures.” the woman said while smiling.
Their gazes met, resulting in Jess anxiously recoiling before catching herself in reality again, a status she was sure could be maintained by just looking anywhere but her eyes. “I’m not.” she quickly replied. ‘Now just look at anything but her eyes and you will make it through this!’ she thought to herself. “You however are… very… pretty.” she added slowly almost like a robot. ‘Oh god you said that last part while looking down at her chest area. You colossal fucking creep. If she knew what you were thinking she’d take you out back and end you.’ she swallowed hard.
“I like what you are doing with your hair, it makes you look so young and sweet, really befitting you. Especially coupled with this soft pink dress and the black skirt. Makes you look like an angel!” the woman eventually added, smiling brightly.
Jess’ stomach turned, she didn’t know how to react, or even feel about these words. Was she supposed to feel good now? She wasn’t a real girl, feeling good was not what she deserved, after all she was talking to an angel, feeling good wasn’t something she deserved to feel. Instead she was now overcome by a sense of guilt. “It’s really nothing, just what I had. But...” she quickly scanned the woman’s exterior look another time and tried to memorize it all for later, electing to try to look at the woman as little as possible, almost as if her looking at the woman would diminish her beauty. “Your blouse is also very pretty.” she eventually added, only to admit “I- I apologize, this is my first date you se- I mean, the first time I am meeting a new friend in person and-” moments later. Better to be open about her awkwardness she considered, maybe that could save from the woman’s judgments about her awkwardness.
She expected the woman to be weirded out, but instead she smiled brightly at her, putting her hand on Jessica’s. “Don’t worry hun, I get it! It’s all fine, after all we talked on messenger before. I’m the same me, just in person now!”
Jess felt bolts of lightning jolt through her hand, along her arm and directly into her chest. Her skin was so nice. But she didn’t deserve it, it was too much, she was not deserving this touch. She tried to pull her hand away but found that she could not, the woman wasn’t letting her, in fact she started gripping her hand more tightly. Looking at her it seemed like she was winking at her too. “Ye- yeah I know. But somehow it is still different. I- I am just so awkward with these things.” she replied, trying to avoid the woman’s gaze and reestablish a sense of normalcy. Her feelings were running amok.
“Oh that is just fine honey. Say have you ordered already?” the auburn haired woman interjected.
She hadn’t, so she shook her head. It seemed wrong to her to do so before her “date” had arrived. “No I- I wanted to wait for you.” she carefully answered as if any word could be her last.
“Oh well then, in that case, why don’t we order? What will it be for you?” the woman inquired.
Jess told her she was planning on ordering a coke but that she’d be fine to do it, but was interrupted by the woman who seemed adamant to order for her. Jessica tried to resist but the woman had already waived for a waiter to come over to their table, where she ordered Jessica’s coke and a coffee for herself. It made Jess feel even more inadequate, not just was this woman ordering for her, she was drinking a coke while the woman had a coffee. “A coffee”, so casual, so cool and so adult. While she drank a coke like a grade schooler. It just aided in her feeling miserable.
The woman looked back at her “Jessica right? That is such a sweet name, nice choice, suits you very well.”
Jessica’s heart sank. ‘Nice Choice. Get it? Because you’re Trans Jessica. You chose to appear here today wearing a nice dress, a cute skirt and a cutsie female identity. This must all be a game to this woman, and maybe this was just a sweetie little role play to her, today we act like Jess is a girl. Or maybe she just misspoke’ she told herself. “Thank you that is eh… very nice of you.” her gaze shifted away, she began dissociating.
The woman, noticing her awkward phrasing quickly apologized “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just… a pretty name. Sorry, now I’m the awkward one.” She winked at her. “Let’s talk about something else, shall we? You can call me Katie btw.” she bowed slightly.
Having Katie apologise, Jess actually started feeling about herself. Maybe she missphrased it. Or MAYBE she was just looking for a quick excuse, and this is how she really felt. Jess would have to be cautious, she was in the presence of an angel while she was a nobody after all. Yes, a nobody. Her gaze moved to the other side of the woman opposing her, who by now started slurping her coffee.
“Soooo, you play Smash too, right? We talked about that I remember, which character did you main?” the woman suddenly asked. The perfect question too, since it kicked Jess out of her intrusive thoughts.
She thought for a moment, then she pulled up her glasses like the badass she was and answered “Oh actually I’m a Zero Suit Samus main. Yeah that might be bit cliché, but she IS a very varied and quick character, and you cannot argue with quick characters. Also highly technical, given the frame data we have, she just turns out to have among the best moveset. I’m not trying to say that I’m just using her because she is powerful, but I feel like she fits me well. She is kind of who I’d like to be, you could say. Quick, serious, professional, a complete badass. Let’s just say I am not really there yet, but she is definitely life goals.”
They continued like this for about half an hour. Jess actually calmed down, this was the right stuff. She was relaxing, and felt like she was growing into this discussion. Able to hold her own. She even grew bolder. Even Bad-Jess, that destructive voice in her head, was quiet. She called out to it, but it was gone. She felt at peace.
“Sooo, seeing as it is getting colder outside, what say you we go to my place and you actually show me what you can do? Your doctor’s thesis on frame data in all honours, but what is it worth when later on I’ll body you anyway?” the woman eventually asked with a smug smile.
Jess laughed loudly “Huh! You say that, but I will totally teach you a lesson Katie! And when I’m done with you, you will beg me for advice!” she boasted. She truly felt at peace for the moment.
They paid for their drinks, and after a bit more bantering they left the cafe to go over at Katie’s place.
They entered a nice little apartment overlooking the river not too far from the cafe. Coming in Katie immediately disappeared into the kitchen, only quickly sticking out her head to ask if she should make tea, and which one Jess would like. “Whichever green tea you have!” she shouted towards the kitchen. Katie’s apparently was a mess. Clothes laying around, a few books on various drawers, none of which looked read and dried flowers next to the window. Jess loved it. It weirdly humanised a person she had previously determined to be either a perfect angel or the wise earth mother. Jess turned around to scan her surroundings, next to her was what looked like the living room, sporting an old couch, a TV and a console sitting next to it. She entered the room and sat down on the couch that was so soft that she immediately sank into it’s cushions. The air had a faint smell of Chili chips. The perfect gamer hideout, aiding Jess even further in relaxing. She felt safe here. Comfortable. At peace.
Katie entered the room with their tea, now only wearing a muscle-shirt. Jess looked down by a few inches. She was now no longer at peace. She immediately recoiled and tried to force herself to look somewhere else. For a moment her gaze wandered back, only to catch a glimpse of Katie putting down the tea in the most unfortunate of forward bends.
The woman just giggled at her and moved over to the TV where next she decided to get onto her knees and bend forward in an even more unfortunate way. Jessica stared at the woman raising up her butt almost as if to taunt her, she could feel something in her panties move so she quickly looked at the ground where her bag sat to pull out her game controller. Fitting too, since a moment later Katie stood up and asked Jessica for her controller, which she handed her, trying not to touch her hand in the process.
‘You can do this Jess, you’re not gonna embarrass yourself. She’s gonna sit down now on one of these sofas and then you two will play, you will just stare at the screen and concentrate. Channel your powerplayer! You can...’ Jess’ mind blanked as Katie sat down exactly next to her on the couch, and thanks to the ruined cushion she sank down in the same hole as Jess. “Man you’re close!” she quickly yelled, bolts of lightning shooting through her body as the woman pushed up against her.
“Are you uncomfortable? Would you prefer a little more distance?” the woman answered while giggling smugly.
“No I-, I actually like it. I MEAN I’M COMFORTABLE!” she quickly lied. The woman was so warm next to her, all she wanted was to touch her, maybe kiss that smug face. Ugh it was too much, she closed her eyes. Concentrated on the moment, on her hands, away from her skin. ‘Feel the controller Jess, feel the game, correct your glasses and go!’
So they played a round, with Jessica dissociating, feeling nothing but her hands and eventually the game she managed to win. Yet it didn’t even seem that hard, as if Katie allowed her to win. “Told you Katie, this is what happens when you challenge a desperado.” she boasted playfully while laughing. Trying her darndest not to mind Katie next to her who by now had inched even closer to her, probably to tease her.
“Oh yeah? How about you try again hu?” Katie said daringly, likely replying to Jessica’s earlier boasting. She would have gotten ready for another rodeo but Katie was now so close to her she practically sat on her, Jess felt herself develop an erection.
“By the way, when we messaged via messenger you told me how self conscious you were about your looks and your body and all that. But that makes no sense to me. You are sooooo incredibly cute and pretty. Even your skin is really soft. I felt it earlier on your hands, and I’m feeling it now on your arm. You are super soft!” Katie whispered to her while stroking the side of her arm.
Jess slowly tilted her head over to her. Katie was turned to the side and looking at her, the way she sat there Jess could look down her muscle-shirt. She tried to recoil away, yet she found that she could not, not with Katie stroking her arm like that. She quickly looked somewhere else, so now instead she looked at the woman’s nice soft legs. ‘You’re being a creep Jess, stop staring at her you ugly manly creep. She is being so nice and respectful to you and all you can think about is touching her boobs!’ she noticed herself looking at the woman’s breasts again, she looked up at the woman who was now smiling at her and licking her lips. ‘Tune out Jess! Tune out!’ the thoughts drilled into her head.
“N- Noooo, I’m not pretty. You are pretty.” she said emptily, completely dissociated from her body. “You look really pretty right now...” she slurred. “HEY! Eh, how about we play another round and you actually play your A game? Since it was very noticeable before that you didn’t play your A-Game. Now I know you said you main Palutena, but it really didn’t look like you were completely comfortable with the character….” Jess invited Katie to another round.
“Hmmmm, well then… as you wish” the woman slowly answered as she unpicked Palutena and instead picked Ike. “Battlefield, 3 Lives, 4 Minutes Timer, give it your all honey.” with that being said, they entered another match. With Katie easily going 3-0 on Jessica.
“For all that is holy.” Jess exclaimed, she has been completely bodied. As as the woman had moved to what seemed to be her main, she started playing like a professional.
Katie pushed herself against the younger woman. “Nice essay about that frame data, but your combo game really needs some help. So how about instead we work on something more comfortable?” Katie moaned suggestively.
Still in shock Jess slowly turned her head towards the woman who sat weirdly close to her by now. “Wa… what do you mean? I don’t know….” but it was too late, Katie had already planted a kiss on her cheek. This was impossible! Was she into her? No, it was impossible. She must have forgotten that Jess was an ugly person, not a real woman, totally not in her league. She must have forgotten, there is no other way a beautiful and strong person like Katie would desire someone like Jess. So if that’s the case, what would she do to her once finding out? Jess’ heart sank into her feet that now started shuffling around wildly. “Ka---Katie! How, I’m not--”
“Shush now, you really need to work on that self-esteem of yours.” Katie whispered to her before planting her mouth on Jess’ lips, her mind started spinning. With Jess stunned the auburn haired woman climbed over Jessica’s leg to sit on her lap, she wrapped her hand around the girl from over her shoulders. Planting another kiss on the unresponsive girl she quickly asked “Would you like me to stop?”.
Jessica didn’t want her to stop. Her brain was fried. She was not completely hating herself, nor was she completely happy. She felt herself in a twilight between it all. This could be a dream. There was a medium to good chance that she was in an asylum right now, staring at the roof. Whatever this was, she elected not to let it pass. “P-please don’t stop!” she begged, resulting in Katie kissing her again.
Katie would just giggle seductively “You are allowed to peak now, sweetie. Allow yourself to peak.” she whispered at her while laughing devilish and bowing forward, it was like she invited Jessica to stare at her chest.
Jessica felt the woman kissing her neck. It was great, so great, and yet so bad. It felt like reality and clearly it could not be. She couldn’t look, it would not be proper, it wasn’t her right, her dirty hands could never be allowed to touch her. Even with Katie moving the girl’s hands she moved them back “I- I don’t really wanna do the wrong thing. I don’t want to hurt y-” but she was interrupted by the woman shushing her with a finger to her mouth.
“Hey now, how about we make a deal hu?” Katie whispered, before pulling away the finger and instead kissing her lips “Would you like to make a deal with deary little me?” she looked down Jessica’s eyes as if staring into her soul.
She did. She did want to make a deal with her. But what if she was the devil? What if this truly was a dream and she was about to sell her soul? Yeah. No. Wait. What deal?” she inquired carefully.
“For the next half an hour or so from now, you will do me a favour. Every time you are thinking of something, you will then do that, okay? You have to do the first thing you are thinking about every time. Not the second thing, not what that destructive part in you requires you to do. The first thing. Do what you desire baby. Okay?” Katie said in the most serious way Jess had ever seen her behave.
And fuck did she want to take this deal? Yes she did, no matter what the cost would be. At this point the woman might as well have been the literal devil, but she was too far gone now. She wanted her, she wanted nothing else but to touch her. “Ye- yes. Yes Katie!” she promised for now. ‘Ride your emotions, ride on them like a wave. Don’t fear your fears, dive into them.’ she told herself while staring into the other woman’s eyes. She was afraid, the was more afraid than she ever had been, the good side being that it had completely killed her boner.
“What do you want to do right now, little princess?” Katie asked her, still hovering over her like a demon.
Fuck, what DIDN’T she want to do? “I- I really wanna kiss you.” Jessica answered. It wasn’t a lie, it was the first thing she could think of, just not the only thing. The woman’s red lips looked so inviting.
“Well then, why don’t you do it?” Katie asked again.
Jessica leaned forward so quickly she almost bonked against the woman’s forehead. She didn’t even overthink it, she just did it. She kissed the woman on her lips, who immediately reciprocated by leaning forward and tightly hugging Jessica, even pushing her tongue into Jessica’s mouth. The woman’s hand would start wandering all over Jessica’s body, they would start on her neck and then slowly wander down her sides like climbing down a mountain. Jessica tried dissociating but she couldn’t, she was enjoying this way too much. The way Katie touched her, how slowly her fingers ran across her skin. She now tiptoed towards her belly from across her belt line, every touch sending lightning through her body. She wanted more, she wanted everything Katie could give her.
The woman distanced herself slightly from Jessica, only to quickly peel herself out of her shirt. Revealing to Jessica her breasts, only covered by a white bra. “First thought sweetie, first thought.” she told Jessica seductively as if to command her.
Jessica didn’t have to be commanded, she was already completely enchanted. It was like she pinged Bad-Side, but it wasn’t responding. Instead she watched her own hands raise up as if she wasn’t controlling them and place themselves on the woman’s thighs. She wasn’t dissociating, she was there, she saw it all, she wanted to look away ever again. Apparently that wasn’t all though, as Katie slowly opened her bra while grinning at her. Jessica looked into her eyes, never would she have been able to describe what she saw, an expression, a smirk, both angelic and demonic. Katie loved what she was doing, she winked at Jessica in the most smug of ways, inviting her in. She was now convinced that she was dreaming, this is where her sins had brought her. Whatever this was, there was no going back now.
Her gaze wandered down from the woman’s smiling face. Her eyes opened and she took it all in. She was so beautiful. Whether it was her fine symmetrical body, the smile on her face and now her breasts “You are so stunningly beautiful. Can… Can I...” Jessica blabbered out while not actually waiting for an answer. She quickly leaned forward, allowing her hands to climb up the woman’s stomach to her breasts, which she immediately touched.
“Go on, enjoy yourself lover girl!” Katie reminded her while the latter was already losing herself in her arms. Laying her head on her chest to feel her warmth while stroking her breasts, cupping and squeezing them. More So than just enjoying the position she was in – and she already felt like she was in heaven – she felt a tickle in her own breast region as if she was touching herself. Maybe it was her heart calling out to the woman.
“They are yours whenever you want, sweetcheeks.” Katie whispered before leaning forward and planting another kiss on Jessica’s lips, then her hands moved down and crawled under the girl’s shirt. “If you want me to stop, or you are not comfortable with something, please stop me, okay?” she whispered before quickly pulling the girl’s shirt off.
It was in this moment that sense returned into Jessica’s body and she remembered that she didn’t exactly have much to show in terms of the chest region. However before she was able to consider the implications of this fact and fear for repercussions the woman had already started groping Jessica’s chest area, and where there wasn’t a lot of breast tissue she would just grope her that much harder. “See I love how awkward and shy you are, but you really gotta learn to release. There is a horny little dyke sleeping in you, and she wants to play, wake her up, release her.” the woman moaned while groping and kissing her chest “Believe it or not, there is one in me too, and mine is definitely wide awake.” she added.
Jessica definitely didn’t doubt it, not anymore. Whatever it was the woman saw in her, she seemed to be loving it. And so was she, the lightning that was rushing through her body just made her start moaning and slowly whisper Katie’s name, seemingly just turning on the latter even more. This woman was definitely pressing all the right buttons, but she needed more, she felt like an engine, about to go off. She raised her hands and quickly put them on the woman’s butt, gripping it, pulling her in, greedy for her to do her more. A gesture seemingly enjoyed by Katie as she moaned at her in the most suggestively seductive way she could, tickling her further.
It was then that she felt a sensation between her legs, like something grasping for her. As she realized what was happening she quickly screeched out “No!” If she would check her down there now it could all be over, she would know. She would understand. She would leave, and her heart would not be able to take it.
However instead of a transphobic reaction Katie merely asked her if she wasn’t comfortable with being touched there, there seemed to be actual concern in her expression. Concern for Jessica’s safety, not for potentially finding out that she had barked up the wrong tree.
Jessica knew that this moment could end it all, this would be where the woman would notice who she was and end it, probably even hurt her. So she had to stop her, tell her the truth before worse things could happen. “I- I- I- I’m not real down there. Please don’t hate me but… like I’m not really a woman down there so...”
But Jessica was interrupted by the woman planting her entire hand on her mouth, furthermore she would move in real close to her with the most sadistic smile on her face. “Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllshhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.” she whispered into Jessica’s ear before again looking into her eyes, she could feel another sensation between her legs from outside her clothes. “Can I pleeeeeease touch it?” the woman begged both with a moaning and almost pitiful inflection in her voice. “Pleeeeeease.” she added.
Jessica relaxed, moving back slightly and opened her legs, silently giving her permission to touch her. She knew this was the end, she would hate her finding out, this would be the moment where she hates her. “Please don’t hate me! Please don’t hate me! Please don’t hate me...” she audibly repeated over and over again while the woman would slowly climb down her legs. Along the way her breathing increased quickly till Katie had reached her panties. Jessica let out a scared screech as Katie started poking against her erection from under her skirt. Yet to her surprise the woman did not recoil in surprise, in fact she seemed to be happy, like she expected to find what she did. Did she know? Jessica remembered Katie’s earlier remark about her name. Was she okay with her being trans?
“Pink panties eh? Guess I’m not the only pervert here eh?” the woman said loudly in the most accusatory way possible, whether or not Jessica had thought about which colour of panties to wear that day, the woman’s accusatory tone just turned her on even more. Like she was a slut specifically wearing pink panties to excite this woman. It made her feel dirty, but not like before, not like an ugly abomination. It made her feel dirty like… like slutty lesbian woman. A thought that warmed her heart. Slowly and carefully the woman would pull off her panties, making sure to undress her in the most teasing way possible. She quickly looked at her panties, then dropped them on the ground next to her. Yet to Jess’ surprise the woman did not crawl but under her skirt, instead we would stand up and look at her.
“Come over here and please sit on the end part of this couch here, will you do that for me?” she asked seductively while gesturing for Jessica to come closer.
Jessica bit on her lower and swallowed hard, not knowing what would happen to her. She slowly moved over to the side of the couch, a less unstable place than the previous cushion, there she sat down.
“Good girl. Now… lift your skirt up for me and show me your dick.” the woman continued while looking directly into Jessica’s eyes without blinking.
Her skin electrified. She had directly addressed her dick. Was she really okay with it? And she had called her a good girl, she chose to linger on that thought moreso than on the dick part. She was a good girl. She loved it. Being treated like a little slutty babydyke by this woman rocked her to her core, to the point where she wanted to freeze this moment in time. Whatever it was this woman saw in her, she wanted to give her access to all of it till she had enough, so eventually she complied. The chills on her skin growing up to her ears she slowly raised her skirt to present her erection to the woman who looked at it like it was her prey.
“Hold it like this.” the woman commanded before reaching forward and wrapping her hands around Jessica’s dick. Jessica couldn’t really see what was going on as she held up her skirt, all she did was feel. And feeling she did. The woman seemingly started rubbing and carefully jerking her erection. It felt out of this world, like the perfect place to be. Everything was just right. Her sitting there and lifting up her skirt like this made her feel like a dirty horny slut, a moniker she enjoyed mentally applying to herself, just raising her skirt for some nasties with another woman. Another woman. Like she was finally one of them, it just made her even harder. And best of all, she didn’t even have to see her own ugly erection, she just had to feel it while the woman got her fill. As she felt the woman’s hands wander off to her testicles it interlinked with her dick getting wet. Katie was sucking her dick. Another woman was crawling under her skirt and sucking her dick, and she just sat there and lifted it up like some dirty dirty girl. These thoughts added with these feelings completely rocked her thoughts, she started moaning loudly. Not hidden, not ashamed of herself, but happy, and greedy. Getting sucked off like that, in this position, by this beautiful person, it gave her everything she ever wanted and more. It turned her on so much her voice started cracking.
“You can cum if you want to. In fact, if you want to cum, please do so.” the voice said from under Jess’ skirt, the latter would just happily agree, yet it seemed like the woman was more hungry for the outcome than considerate of her cumming. And she didn’t slow down either. She sucked on it hungrily while moaning, playing with it with her tongue and tickling her testicles. It was too much, she had to cum.
Moaning louder and louder, electrified by the whole situation, the position and the lightning jolting through her genitals. Her legs cramped, she breathed deeper and more quickly and eventually, under loud voice cracking moans, she came.
A few moments later she regained her senses and considered what had just happened, slightly pushing down her skirt so she could face the woman whose face was covered in a few drops of translucent liquid. “Ka ha- ha ha Ka- Katie. I’m ha- I’m sorry, I….” she stuttered while still breathing quickly, yet she stopped as the woman shook her head and smiled.
“No need to apologize, it’s been a while since I made a girl cum from oral, and it’s always a treat I gotta admit.” she said and winked at her while rubbing her dick some more and wiping the odd drop of liquid out of her face. “I’m not sure about you, but I’m not done yet. Would you like to see my pussy?” she asked while grinning brightly.
Jessica’s heart sank. Did she? Did she want to see her pussy?
-------------- End of Act I --------------
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